Chapter 2- The alpha

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Quick Author's Note, ⚠️IMPORTANT!!!⚠️ Levi is taller than Eren in this fic because he is an alpha. The alphas are usually very tall and burly, so imagine Levi like that. Eren is actually very short and small because he's an omega.

Eren POV:

I was asleep for quite a while. When I finally woke, I was still in the car by the woman named Hanji. She gently took hold of my arm.

"We're here. Our alpha wants to meet you. Are you ready?" I nodded. "Here. I'll carry you." Still wrapped in the grey blanket, I extended my arms to wrap them around her neck. Hanji lifted me up and held me close to her body. My blanket fell over my face and I inhaled deeply. Seriously, what is this scent?! I've never smelled something like this. I can't put a name to it, it's just... comforting. A warm feeling spreads through my body when I smell this blanket.

As Hanji carried me inside, I thought of my life in the tower and how everything would change now. My only friend was a rebel named Isabel who would climb up the ivy on the side of the tower to teach me about the world. She taught me how to do everything the average 18 year old can do. I know that it's very unlikely that I'll ever see her again, and the thought saddens me. Hopefully my life here will be much better.

When we get inside the building that is supposedly my new alpha's home, the first thing I saw was a cozy looking living room. There were two sofas, a coffee table, a flat screen t.v., a fluffy rug, a fireplace, and rows upon rows of movies and books stacked on bookshelves on the opposite side of the room. To the right of the living room was a dining room fit for a king and a very large kitchen. To the left, a hallway with a bathroom and a game room; which contained all the latest gaming systems, a large shelf of games, and a giant flat screen.


"This is nothing compared to the rest of the town. Alpha Levi is actually very generous. He doesn't keep much money. Most of the things he has were gifts from his friends and co-workers." Petra said.

"Here. Lay down on the sofa. I'll start a fire. Petra, go get the alpha." Hanji walked to the fireplace, picked up a few logs, and lit them with a fire-starter while Petra headed upstairs.

A few minutes later, the fire was fully lit and warm. Petra came down the stairs and pointed at me. "This is Eren. Eren, this is our alpha, Levi."

The first thing I noticed were his eyes. They were steely blue and full of life. They sparkled in the light and complimented his jet black hair. His body was toned and very muscular, like many alphas. He was quite tall, maybe 6'2". (About 187 cm. just so you know.) And oh my god was he hot. Maybe 25 years old. My heart raced just from looking at him.

"Hello Eren. I see you got the blanket. Do you like it?" I nodded and pushed it against my face like a small child would. "Good! I'm glad."

"Alpha, he's very shy. And very malnourished. We need to get him healthy again." Hanji said. He furrowed his brow, expression suddenly dropping.

"How bad?" Alpha Levi asked.

"Eren, would you please show me your arm?" Hanji asked. I unwrapped my arm from the warm blanket, still shivering from the fear and coldness of this new place. Every bone in my body is visible, and I'm well aware of that. My back and wrists are covered in scars. The wrists being my own doing and the lashes on my back are from my father's belt.

"Oh my god... you poor thing." The alpha looked at me sympathetically. Our eyes meet. Both of them widen. I gasp.

Something's happening to me. I can't move.

The alpha comes closer, but for some reason I'm not afraid. As he gets closer, I smell the same scent that's on my new blanket. It's coming from the alpha!

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