Chapter 14- Month 1

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Levi POV:

It's been a few weeks since Eren and I mated. He's been doing pretty well, other than the extreme morning sickness and the strange cravings. He asked me to make him pickles with peanut butter. That was an interesting morning.

But anyways, Eren's been taking suppressants for his pheromones. They help me resist fucking him into the mattress day and night while also helping him function. Overall, helpful pills. He takes two in the morning and two at night. That keeps us both under control. Although pregnant sex doesn't have a lot of likely risks, alpha and omega sex is intense. This is why Eren started taking the supressants. He couldn't walk for a week after we mated, and that would be a major disadvantage to have while he's got this whole morning sickness thing going on.

Today is the three week mark of Eren's pregnancy, so we're going to Hanji's for a check-up. She's a great doctor. Especially when dealing with omegas or pregnancies in general. I helped Eren get up and get dressed after the scheduled every-morning vomiting and teeth brushing. I ate a quick breakfast with him before we began the walk to Haji's clinic. I do have a car, but Eren insists that the exercise and fresh air are much more worthwhile than a quicker journey.

We held hands as we walked, chatting cheerfully. After about ten minutes, Eren and I arrived at the clinic. We walked inside, signed in, and waited to be called back to see Hanji. Eren rested his head on my shoulder and leaned closer to my pheromonal gland, giving me the only hint I needed to release them. His body melted into mine as a small, calm smile spread across his face.

"C'm'ere, Baby." I wrapped my arm around my mate as he curled up against me, then began stroking his hair gently. A soft sigh escaped Eren's lips when he leaned into the touch. We continued like this for a couple minutes.

"Eren Jeager?" We stood and followed the nurse. She ran the routine vital checks and then left with a respectful nod. Hanji soon came in with a bright smile to match her pastel lab coal.

"Hello, Eren! Good to see you. You too, Levi." She paused for a moment to give us each a hug. I reluctantly returned the embrace. It has been a while since I last saw her.

Hanji did a few routine checks for the first month of pregnancy. Everything came out normal, so she proceeded to the questioning part of the meeting.

"Alright." She sat at the computer and opened a file. "How's the morning sickness? Getting better? No change?"

"Not a big difference, but I haven't needed to throw up as often," Eren replied.

"Good, good. What about your cravings?" Hanji asked while typing Eren's previous answer.

"Pretty much the same. They come and go."

"Alrighty. Have there been any new symptoms in the past couple weeks?"

Eren looked to me, trying to remember if there was anything he should mention. I shook my head. "No. Eren's been about the same. Just tired."

"That's normal." Hanji finished typing and spun to face Eren. "Your body is trying to give nutrients to not only yourself, but your child as well. This leads to your strange cravings and extra hunger as well as your tiredness. My advice is to take an hour long nap every day inbetween lunch and dinner. That should help significantly."

"Okay. Is there anything else you need me to do before I leave?" Eren asked.

"Nope! You're all done. I'll see you back here in two months to have an ultrasound. Byyyeeee~!" And with that said, Hanji walked out of the room to her next patient.

During the walk back home, Eren turned to me.

"Can you answer a question for me? I probably sound rediculous, but I didn't want to ask Hanji."

"Of course. What is it?"

"Umm, what's an ultrasound?" I chuckled a bit.

"That's not a stupid question at all. An ultrasound is used to see inside you. During pregnancy, ultrasounds are an important part of the checkups. They allow the doctors to tell if the baby is healthy as well as other things, like its gender."

"...Do they hurt?"

"Not at all. The doc'll spread a warm gel over your stomach and use this wand-like thing to see inside. They might have to push on you a bit, but it shouldn't hurt."

"Okay. Thanks, Levi."

I smiled. "Any time, love. You can ask me anything, okay? Don't worry about me thinking you're stupid. I promise I won't. You were brought up differently than most people, so it's a given that you might not know everything someone normally would at your age. I won't judge you for asking."

Eren nodded as a hint of a smile curled at the corner of his mouth. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze to draw his attention. We stopped walking as I tipped his chin up with my finger. My mate closed his eyes and leaned into my lips, meeting me half-way in a chaste, gentle kiss. I pulled back and stroked his pink cheek with my thumb before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Can I carry you the rest of the way home?"

A darker red danced across Eren's cheeks and nose. "W-Well, if you want to, you can." I laughed through my nose.

"You're so cute, you know that?" I asked as I swept him into my arms, bridal style. He quickly buried his face in my neck as his arms curled around my shoulders. I released my pheromones and felt him relax completely in my arms. I laughed and pressed one last kiss to his lips before continuing the walk home.

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