Chapter 5- Did You Mean It?

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Eren POV:

"Eren... Eren wake up. We're home." I open my eyes to see none other than my extremely sexy mate peering over me as I lay on the couch. I pull my grey blanket just a bit tighter as a small gust of cold air comes by.

"What would you like for lunch, Sweetie?" I shrugged.

"Maybe a grilled cheese sandwich?" Levi smiled and nodded.

"Wanna come with me?" I nodded. Levi leaned in to pick me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing my face into his soft skin. He chuckled a bit and kissed my forehead before walking to the kitchen. My mate gently sets me down in the kitchen chair from earlier this morning and starts on the sandwiches.

(Time Skip brought to you by Eren's teenage hormones.)

A few minutes later, we'd both finished our food and Levi had taken me back to the living room. He sat down on the sofa with me in his lap and started humming a song. I don't know the tune, but the comforting low rumble of my mate's voice soon calms me into an almost sleeplike state.

I close my eyes and lean against Levi's firmly toned chest. He kisses my forehead, then cheeks, then chin, then nose. I open my eyes and stare into the steely blue orbs in front of me. Levi puts his hand on my cheek and I close my eyes. Our lips touch in a gentle kiss that fills my stomach with fluttering butterflies. I lean up against Levi's warm lips and kiss him again and again, small sounds of contentment pushing past my lips.

I run my fingers through Levi's silky black hair and pull his face closer to mine. I can feel a smirk on his lips as he puts his hands on my waist and kisses me deeply. My face burning, I sigh and place one of my hands on Levi's neck. His pulse is racing. Just like mine.

Chest to chest now, Levi runs his fingers along my sides; which earns him a shiver of pleasure from my body. My heart is beating a mile-a-minute as I place my hands on Levi's chest and push him backwards onto the couch. He lifts me on top of him and our lips connect once again. Now laying on top of Levi's body, my hands run up and down his chest, neck, and sides.

Soon enough, Levi's hands move from my waist to my back. He traces the scars underneath my shirt, well, his shirt, in a comforing and loving manner. One of Levi's large hands moves to the side of my face while the other moves back to my hip.

When Levi and I part from our make-out session, my face is pure crimson. We're both panting and holding eachother as our heart-rates slow back to a normal pace. After both of us had calmed down, I placed my head over Levi's heart.



"Um... I don't mean to doubt you, but did you really mean what you said?"


"W-When you said that you weren't ashamed to have an omega as your mate. D-Did you mean it?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"W-Well, you're the alpha. The strongest werewolf. I'm a weakling. A nothing. I'm worthless-" Levi grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"Who told you that you were worthless? You are just as important as anyone else. Don't ever say that you aren't. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you to hear that. You're my mate and the only one I'll ever love. So please, don't tell yourself that you don't mean anything. You're my everything. Eren, I just found you, but I know it in my heart that we're meant to be together." I started to cry. No one's ever said that to me before. No one has ever told me that I was important. My mate kissed the tears on my cheeks away while holding my hand.

I moved to clutch Levi's shirt in my hands and he just held me. One of his hands holding my ear to his heart, the other keeping my body against his. He sat up and re-adjusted me to be in a bridal style hold, then picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.

By the time we'd gotten there, my tears had slowed and left me with a huge smile plastered on my face with a blush that could put a tomato to shame. Levi set me down on the bed and climbed in next to me. He pulls me close and wraps his strong arms around my small frame. After planting one last kiss to my lips, Levi and I fell asleep.

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