Chapter 11- Take me

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Eren POV:

I can't move. I can't breathe. Something's happening to me. I can't control my body. I'm scared! Levi! Help me!

"Eren! Eren! Listen to me! This is natural, okay? I'm gonna pick you up and take you upstairs. It's alright. Calm down, sweetheart." Levi's strong arms lift my body into the air and he practically runs up the stairs and to our room.

He sets me on the bed, and before I know it, he's on top of me again.

"L-Levi! What's happening to me? I-aaahh!" My stomach constricts suddenly, and I can feel something push out of the walls inside my ass.

"Eren, listen! I need you to breathe. This is your heat. You know what a heat is right?" I nod. "Everything's okay. That was your womb. Just let your body do what it wants to. I'm right here."

"Levi... I want you. Right here. Right now. T-Take me! Please! I want your baby. I'm ready, so please hurry up!"

I have no control of anything my body is doing. I can barely breathe, but all I know is that I want him more than anything. I long for him to fill my body and claim me as his.

This isn't too soon. It's been far to long. I need him, and I need him now!

Almost as if Levi heard my thoughts, he lurched forward and kissed me more roughly than ever before. My body moves on it's own. I remember what Levi told me about my heat.

"When you go into it, you have to fully give in. As soon as you can, relinquish control of your body and embrace your instincts."

That's what he said. I felt a tap at the base of my skull.

Mind link request: Levi.

I let him in instantly.

"Eren, I can talk to you through my mind or through my voice, but don't try to speak. I need you to do what I said."

As scared as I am to let go, I know that this is right. I know that he won't hurt me, so I give in.

My back arches off the bed. I can feel nothing but Levi. He's all I know in this moment. He's the only thing that matters.

We both gasp as our souls sense eachother.

I open my eyes.

So does he.

I see the most beautiful shade of violet I've ever seen in Levi's wide eyes. He places his hand on my cheek and says through the link:

Levi: Your eyes are golden.

Eren: Yours are violet.

He smiles at me and embraces me tightly. Our souls have found eachother, and now they want to bind together.

Levi: I can't control what happens anymore. Do whatever your body says to. No matter what your mind says, give in to your urges.

Eren: Same to you. I-I can't hold back anymore Levi.

He smiles and kisses me again and again and again. I hold onto him and let my body take control.

Levi's hands coax his shirt off of my small frame and toss it to the side. I run my fingers down his back as his muscles ripple with his movements.

He pulls off my pants, and I notice that something is leaking out of me. Levi senses my agitation and curiosity.

Levi: It's okay, Eren. That's called slick. It's an omega's natural self-lubricant. This is normal.

I let out a relieved sigh and continue with our kisses. Levi slides his fingers up my leg and cups my ass. I let out a moan and tug off his pants: quickly throwing them off the bed and onto the floor.

Levi grabs my leg and pulls it up. I hook both of them around his waist. This ends up with our crotches pressed firmly together as we kiss and kiss.

Before I know it, we're both completely nude and panting for breath. Levi releases his hold on me and we both suck in some much needed oxygen.

"E-Eren... Are you ready?" I quickly nod my head yes and place a chaste kiss on his collarbone. Levi growls lowly and thrusts two fingers inside of me. He latches onto my neck while I moan: kissing, sucking and biting at my flesh. My fingers tangle in his hair as my back arches. He adds a third finger.

I'm a mess. I can't breathe. I need him inside me.

Eren: Please! I'm ready. I know what comes next, you've told me. Please give me your venom!

Levi smiles gently against my throat, and sinks his teeth into my shoulder. I moan loudly as the venom of the alpha begins to flow through my veins. Everywhere the warm fluid touches inside me tingles and turns warm. By the time the venom had spread throughout my entire body, I was lost in the pleasure from everything that was happening. He pulls away from my neck.

Levi: I'm gonna put it in, okay?

I frantically nod. Placing one last kiss on my lips, he pushed inside of me.

And then we were one.

I can't remember exactly what happened. I remember the feeling of having him inside me. I remember his touch and his voice calling my name. I still feel his strong hands gripping me tightly as I thrash in pleasure and claw his back. Neither of us could control ourselves.

I'll never forget what happened this morning.

I began to regain my consciousness after I climaxed. When I opened my eyes, Levi was wiping my body down with a warm rag.

"Hello, Love. Are you okay?"

I nod: too tired to talk.

"It's okay. I just finished cleaning you up. Why don't we go to sleep, hm?" I smile. Sleep sounds amazing right now.

"C'mere, Eren." Levi picked my up gently and lovingly. He placed me under the covers, pulled the blinds closed, climbed on top of me, and wrapped us both up in the blankets. I felt something tingle on my neck and reached up to touch it.

Small bumps, no, letters are on my neck. Levi knew I was confused, so he showed me his neck.


"Yours says my name. It's proof that we've bonded. Go to sleep love. I've got you."

As soon as Levi layed down, I was out like a light.

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