Chapter 21- Facing Demons

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Eren POV:

It took all the strength I had in my body to open my eyes. That sedative was really strong. I tried to look around and see where I was. It was difficult to make anything out in the blackness, but it all seemed strangely familiar. I didn't actually remember anything here, but I felt like I knew this place.

I tried to move but quickly realized my wrists were tied tightly to my ankles. A sudden wave of panic washed over me as I heard a door open. I instantly knew where I was when I heard that voice.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here."

My entire body was attacked with shudders.



My father stared down at me, trimming his nails with a small knife.

"Tell me, Eren. How is it that I sold you as a slave and you end up becoming a luna? Did you start thinking you were worth something?" He stepped closer. I frantically tried to wiggle away, stand up, break my bindings... anything to escape him.

He merely chuckled and knelt beside me.

"And now you're having pups. An alpha's pups. Do you realize what kind of tool you've given me?" My father pressed the flat of his blade to my cheek. "You were good for something after all."

He stood up and turned around but made no move to leave the room.

"Those little cretins inside you will help me being down the traitorous clan that lied to me about their intentions. And you can forget about your alpha. He doesn't stand a chance against us now that the rogues have joined."

"You're wrong!" I screamed at him. Somehow, I managed to catch him off guard. He spun around and stared directly into my eyes.

"And why would you say that?"

My entire being was telling me to run as fast and as far away as I could, but I couldn't move. So I stood my ground.

"Levi isn't stupid! He'll come for me and you won't be able to touch him!"

Grisha smiled, revealing his rotting teeth.

"You really think he loves you? Someone like you? Let me tell you something, Eren." His boot rested on my shoulder, pressing down just enough to hurt. "All he cares about is those little pups. An heir. You mean nothing to him. And why would you be important? You're nothing." He removed his foot and turned to walk away again.

With tears streaming down my face I shook my head.

"No. He's not like you. He's kind and gentle and smart and funny and everything I ever wanted in a mate. Your angry lies won't reach me anymore. I refuse to be your puppet again after everything I've seen. Everything I've learned. And if you want my babies, you'll have to kill me first."

I meant every word I said, but really I was trying to buy some time. I's gotten a hold on the ankle bindings and started rubbing the ropes connecting them to my wrists together. I could already feel them heating up and beginning to fray.

Grisha stomped over to me and yanked me up by my hair, dragging a strangled cry from my throat.

"How dare you talk to me like that?! I am your father!"

"No! You are my captor! My abuser! My tormenter! You are not my father and you have never been my father!" I spat in his face. Just as he threw me back to the ground, the ropes snapped.

I grabbed the knife and shoved as hard as I could, stabbing him in the gut. He howled in pain and lost his footing.

I ran.

I ran as hard and as fast as my legs could carry me through that godforsaken house. Any minute Grisha would raise the alarm. I had to get out and I had to get out now.

Thinking of nothing but that, I covered my face and crashed through a window. Sure as day, that raised the alarm. They were faster than me. I knew that.

But not smarter.

Isabell had made me memorize a map of this camp a long time ago. I knew exactly where to go. They couldn't follow me past the southern gate. If I could manage to get there before the soldiers, I could get away.

I darted between huts and trees, tracing the lines of the map in my memories. My heart pounded in my ears, begging me to stop and take a proper breath, but I dared not slow down until I was out of that gate.

Then I smelled it.

Everywhere around the border of the camp I smelled him.


I sent a desperate call to our mind link, praying that he would answer.

Levi: Eren?!

Eren: Oh my god, where are you?!

Levi: Coming towards the southern gate with Marco's squad. Where are you?!

Eren: Same place different side of the fence.

Levi: Get there as fast as you can. They raised an alarm.

Eren: I'm trying!

My lungs burned from lack of oxygen as I finally reached the gate. I couldn't slip between the bars. Not while I was pregnant. So I started climbing. When I had reached the top of the metal gate, Levi and his squad came running up to it.

"Oh my god, Eren! Eren, jump, baby, I'll catch you!" Levi ran up to the gate and opened his arms. I swung my legs over and jumped. Just like I knew he would, he caught me and swept me into his arms.

"Thank god you're safe."

I hugged him as tightly as I could.

But the moment didn't last.

"Thought a knife that small would kill me, eh?"

Paralyzed in fear once more, I met the gaze of my father. Only this time, it was clear his intentions were not to hold me hostage.

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