Chapter 19- Taken

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Eren POV:

Levi and I had decided on the names for the babies. Fay for the girl and Eli for the boy. I still couldn't walk well, but I was getting used to having such a big belly. Levi constantly fretted over me like before, but that wasn't all that big a deal. He helped me stand up to get to the bathroom and made me food whenever I wanted.

I wish he wasn't so worried all the time, but I really can't blame him. I mean, if the situation were reversed, I'm sure I'd be the same way.

I sat on the bed with Levi at my side. Marco had taught me how to knit, so I was in the process of making some baby blankets. It kept me busy while I couldn't move much. All in all, I was pretty happy with how they were coming out. The yarn had been a gift from Krista. It was made from her alpacca's wool, so it was unbelievably soft but also thick enough to keep the babies warm.

Levi had been busy with things Erwin talked about lately. He wouldn't tell me much about it, but he said that there had been rogues trying to get into our territory and he was worried. I told him to be safe, but he always just smiled and said "Who could hurt me when I have you?"

I didn't buy it. Yesterday, Erwin came over and told Levi that they'd captured a rogue. He thought I didn't hear and told me he'd be back in a minute, but now I know something's wrong. If they were only rogues, why were we capturing them?

Levi put a hand on my shoulder, startling me out of my thoughts.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just thinking." He sighed, clearly not buying it.

"Eren, if this is about the rogue situation, nothing's wrong. Erwin's got everything under control."

"Does he?" My voice was harsher than I meant it to be, but I didn't care. Levi blinked at me, startled.

"What if they're not rogues? What if they're dangerous? How are we going to deal with any of this if I can barely even move!" Levi gulped and looked down.

"Baby, I know you're worried, but I promise it'll be okay. We'll figure out what's going on."

I huffed and put away my knitting. Levi knew I was angry, but I myself wasn't really sure why. It was likely the hormones, but I don't really know what to do about them. And Levi didn't seem to be upset with my reaction.

He got up and left the room. A few minutes later, he came in with a strawberry smoothie for me.

"I know they're your favorite. Fresh from our garden." He handed me the glass and sat beaide me with a smile. I looked down and cuddled into him.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"It's okay, love. Don't worry about it. You have a right to be upset with me for not telling you much. And I know you're still having problems with your pregnancy hormones." He kissed my forehead. "Drink your smoothie and we'll forget it ever happened."

He turned on a movie and rubbed my side as I sipped the smoothie. It really was my favorite. I loved strawberries. And the ones from our garden were always so plump and sweet.

Everything seemed fine until Erwin came running into the room.

"Alpha Levi! There's been a break at the northern side of the village!"

"What?! What happened?!" He jumped up and put on proper clothes.

"The Marian Warrior clan breached our defenses, sir. We don't have much time!"

The Marrian Warrior clan.

My father's clan.

My heart began to pound violently in my ears. My throat clamped shut and I was having trouble breathing. Levi noticed and rushed to my side. He pulled me close, holding my nose against his pheromonal gland.

"Breathe for me. You have to calm down. You could force yourself into labor." I took as slow of breaths as I could, taking in his pheromones to try to calm myself.

"Erwin, get Hanji to stay with him. I'll come with you when she's here." The blonde nodded without another word and rushed out of the house to find the doctor. Levi cupped my face and forced me to look at him.

"Listen to me. I have to go help the troops. Hanji's gonna protect you for me while I'm gone. I need you to try to stay as calm as possible." He pressed a hand to my belly. "For the babies."

I nodded and took another deep breath. Hanji soon came into the room with Erwin at her heels.

"I've got him. Go." Levi nodded and he and his general ran outside. I heard them shift into wolves just as they got outside. Hanji sat on the edge of the bed and helped me sit up.

"Let's get you to the safehouse. It locks from the inside." She tried to help me up and managed to get me in some comfortable clothes before supporting me enough to start walking down the stairs.

We weren't fast enough.

A window crashed and a dart hit Hanji square in the middle of the back. She hissed and fell to the ground, unconscious. I screamed and scrambled for something to support myself on. I leaned against the wall, hoping to be out of sight.

I wasn't.

The door was kicked down and two men ran in. They put a bag over my head and lifted me up. I screamed and thrashed as hard as I could, but I couldn't get away.


Just as I started trying open a mind-link, one of my captors clogged me on the head with what seemed to be the butt of a gun. My vision blurred and I passed out.

I was defenseless and in the hold of the person I feared most once more.

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