Chapter 15- News

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Eren POV:

Today Levi and I are heading back to see Hanji. He says that she can tell what gender our baby is if we want to know because it's developed enough. I'm a little nervous, but excited none-the-less.

Levi slipped a warm jacket around me, kissed my baby-bump, kissed my lips, then took my hand and guided me outside. We walked hand in hand to the clinic, talking as we went. When we reached the door, Levi checked us in and helped me out of my jacket. Wrapping a protective arm around my waist, he kissed my forehead. We waited to be called back, content to just be in eachother's arms.

"Ackerman?" A nurse called. We both stepped forward and followed her. "Dr. Hanji has asked me to take you straight to the ultrasound lab. Here's a hospital gown for you to change into. You can leave your undergarments on." I nodded as she led us to a changing room. Levi stepped in with me and helped fasten the ties at the back.  When I was ready, Levi and I walked out of the room and into the connected screening area. Hanji was waiting for us.

"Hello! My my, Eren! You've gotten quite a babby bump since I last saw you!" Hanji hugged me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Alpha, there's a chair right bybthe hospital bed for you to sit in." He nodded and took a seat. Hanji turned to me. "As for you, I need you to lie down on the bed and pull that gown up past your stomach while I close the door." She turned and carried out the task described.

I laid down as instructed. As soon as I was comfortable, I reached up and took Levi's waiting hand. Hanji returned with a smile on her face. "You two are so cute together!"

"Thank you," I said with a blush spreading across my cheeks. Levi and I traded glances.

"Alrighty. Let's get started. Would you like to know the gender today, or would you like to be surprised?" Hanji asked. Levi and I talked about this. He answered the question.

"We'd like to know so we can decorate a room for the baby. And get some baby clothes and stuff." I nodded. Hanji also nodded. She then reached for a small tube.

"This is gonna be a bit warm. If I hurt you or push too hard, don't be afraid to let me know, okay?" I agreed. Hanji popped open the lid and spread some of this clear gel over my belly. It was warm. I let out a soft sight and relaxed into the soft touch. Hanji chuckled and grapped another tool. "This is the camera I'm gonna use to see inside you. I may have to push a bit to see what I need to, but if you are significantly uncomfortable, just tell me and I'll lessen up."

She pressed the flat end to my belly and began to push a little while slowly moving it around as she gazed at the monitor in front of her. After a moment, she got a puzzled look on her face.

"Is everything alright?" Levi asked, tensing up slightly. I gave his hand a squeeze which he returned soon after.

"Well," she paused, moving the camera to the other side of my stomach. "Your baby looks healthy, but there is a problem." I prepared myself for bad news.

"And?" Levi questioned impatiently.

"And," Hanji took a deep breath. "It's not one baby." I looked at her in confusion. "Eren, you're pregnant with twins."

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