Chapter 13- The Future Of Us

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Eren POV:

The afternoon sun shone through the window and fell upon my face in a splash of dancing light. Levi stroked my hair and traced the lines of my back with his fingers as he spoke. He told me more of his pack, his family, his home. For hours we just laid there basking in the warmth of the sun's rays and taking in everything the other had to offer. Soft whispers, gentle carresses, loving kisses, tight hugs. You name it.

The world seemed perfect. I was in my own little piece of heaven with the man I've grown to love more than life itself. I thought of my past life. It's still hard for me to believe that in such a short amount of time, my life has changed from hell to heaven. And it's all thanks to Levi. Every good thing that's happened to me in these past months was because of him. My mate. I would do anything for him to repay what he's done for me:

But Levi won't have any of that. He lets me give him gifts and shower him in praise, but Levi doesn't want extravagant things from me. He made it very clear that he doesn't need anything other than my happiness and safety. When I'm happy, he's happy, he says. So I show him that I am happy and I show him I am safe. This is what he wants from me so he'll damn well get it.

With that thought in mind, I cuddle a little closer to Levi. He wraps his arms even more tightly around me and kisses my forehead before beginning to hum. The deep rumble in his chest when he sings makes my heart slow and my muscles relax. And Levi knows that. He uses it to his advantage to make me fall asleep. It's a pretty useful skill if I do say so myself.

We've pretty much passed the phase of our relationship when everything the other does makes our hearts flutter. Now, it's the opposite. Almost everything Levi does calms me and makes me feel secure: at home. He'll run his fingers through my hair while we kiss. He'll trace soothing circles on my hips as we cuddle on the couch watching movies. He'll quietly inhale my scent before emmiting his own pheromones. I love it all.

I can't help but think he'll be an amazing father. I'm so exited to raise a family with him. I never really had one, so I want to make sure my children have the happy childhood that I didn't. I can picture it now. Levi carrying our child on his shoulders: both of them smiling brightly. I'd follow behind with a picnic basket, and maybe another child. We'd find a spot under a tree along the borders to eat and play games. It'd be an all day excursion.

I snap out of my trance when Levi says my name.

"You okay, baby? You were staring into space. I wasn't sure if you were okay or not. Your expression kept changing."

I chuckled. "I'm fine. I was just thinking about our future." I placed a hand on my stomach and looked down at it. Levi's hand covered my own, causing me to look up at his face.

Our eyes met. We exchanged a silent confirmation of our future. We have so much to look forward to, and we know that. But Levi cn sense an underlying fear within me.

"What are you scared about? Talk to me."

I look to the side, not moving my hand away from my stomach. "Well, I just... what if something happens to the baby? I really don't know what I should be doing to nurture it while it's developing, so I might hurt it. Or what if I get in an accident and-" Levi abruptly stops my rambling with his lips on mine. I melt against his body and place my hand on his chest.


When we part, Levi looks into my eyes and firmly, yet gently, reassures me.

"We will do this together. It'll be okay. You don't need to worry about knowing because I already do. Trust your instincts." He presses our foreheads together. "You'll be a great mother."

"And you'll be a wonderful father." I moved to kiss my mates soft lips; he met me half way. We kissed for a few minutes. Slowly, gentley.

When we parted, he looked to me and said, "I love you so much, Eren."

"I love you too. I just, I can't believe you're mine." We both smile as Levi embraces me tightly.

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