Chapter 17- Month 5

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Eren POV:

The morning sickness had finally worn off. Today is the day Levi and I get to go find out the genders of our babies. He had grown even more protective of me since I started showing. He carries me everywhere. Not that I mind. He's my alpha.

I loosely held Levi's shirt in my hand as we arrived at the doctor's office. Hanji was already waiting for us. She set up the table and got me situated quickly. It only took a few minutes before she was beginning the process of finding the genders.

Levi smiled and held my hand as the babies again appeared on the screen in front of us. Hanji amiled as well. "The one on the left is a girl. The one on the right is a boy."

"One of each," Levi said. He seemed so happy to be a father and I couldn't be more happy that I'm the one who gets to have his children.

We were out of the hospital again in less than thirty minutes. Levi got me an ice cream come and we started home. He was always so kind to me. Everything I ever wanted in a lover.

He took me back inside only for me to find all the friends I had made sitting at the table. "Surprise! Happy birthday, Eren." Levi gently set me down.

"Were you in on this?" I asked him. He only smiled. I thanked everyone for coming and for planning the birthday I had completely forgotten about.

A few hours later, Levi and I sat on the couch cuddled togetjer as he read me stories. He had heard that the babies would be able to hear our voices now, so he talked to them as much as he talked to me. It was honestly rather adorable. I couldn't help but smile every time he spoke to our unborn children or placed a gentle kiss to my belly.

He almost always had a hand resting over the bump. When we slept, when he carried me, when I was cooking, etc. It was strangely comfortingbyo know that he cared so much. I loved everything about him. I still do. I can't imagine a life without him now that I've had him.

Levi finished the story and set the book back on the table. He smiled at me and lifted me gently into the air before turning and carrying me up the stairs. I yawned and nuzzled into his chest, ready for bed.

I was already in pajamas, but Levi had to change. He set me down and quickly replaced the clothes he wore to visit Hanji with more loose and comfortable wear. I opened my arms to him and he flopped on the bed beside me. He flicked on the lightlight and turned off the lamp before pulling me close to his warm body.

"... What should we name them?" I asked. Levi seemed a little taken off guard at my sudden question.

"Well, that's a good question. We should think about some possible names for each and fully decide when the kids are born. Sound like a plan?" I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Tomorrow, then. For now, we should go to sleep." Levi agreed and relaxed a bit more into the soft covers. I fell asleep quicker than expected. Levi held me all night long.

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