Chapter 22- Ending

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Levi POV:

I immediately tugged Eren behind me and shifted into my wolf. If Grisha wanted my mate, he'd have to go through me first. My group huddled around Eren with weapons drawn, ready to fight.

But this was my fight. No one was gonna take Eren from me. Especially not this bastard.

I gathered my weight on my haunches and growled when Grisha shifted. His wolf was slightly smaller than mine. I knew I could take him.

I readied myself for a fight.

"Either he leaves with us and you disband your pack, or he leaves with us and mine will kill all who refuse to join us," I hissed. I took one threatening step forward, daring the other alpha to oppose me. After sending a quick link to my group to begin sneaking away with Eren, I took another.

Grisha howled.

Within seconds he had an army around him.

And the next moment, I had mine.

Chaos erupted. Those who stood to fight my pack were either killed or taken hostage. Those who ran from Grisha were welcomed into the rest of my pack as they led Eren away.

He was outnumbered and outmatched.

The fight was over before it had really even begun.

As the last wolf beside Grisha fell, I attacked.

"You will never hurt my family again." He tried to laugh, but before a sound passed through his lips, I ripped out his throat. Within seconds, his eyes drained of life.

Victory was ours.

Cheers echoed through the camp. Cheers of people saved. Cheers of rescuers.

But they didn't last long.

A shrill scream pierced the cooling air and sent chills down my spine.


I ran as fast as I could towards those screams. The group hadn't made it very far. Maybe a quarter mile from the camp. I burst into a clearing and found myself face to face with Hanji. Eren was lying on the ground and sobbing into her shoulder.

When she met my gaze, she only said one thing.

"The babies are coming."

My heart stopped.

"No, no they're two months early! This can't be a good thing!"

Hanji cut me off with a glare. "Pick him up and follow me back to the clinic. We have to hurry. They're coming whether they're early or not."

She shifted and took off running. I scooped Eren into my arms and put him on my back as I shifted into my wolf again.

I had never run so fast in my life. Trees were blurred. The ground was a speck under my paws. I touched the ground so little I could have been flying.

I rushed Eren into the clinic and immediately shifted to be by his side. I set him on the hospital bed and held his hand. He was crying, shaking his head furiously from side to side.

"It hurts! It hurts! Levi make it stop!" I pulled his nose to my neck and released as much of my pheromones as I could. Even with everything I could give, it took him several minutes to be breathing normally again.

Hanji walked in with a tray next to her and two bassinets ready to go.

I don't remember what happened next.

The next thing I knew, Hanji was handing me a pair of surgical scissors to cut the umbilical cords.

They were small, but our babies were healthy. They would be alright.

Eren slowly sat up and smiled at me. I haded him Eli.

"Hi baby. Don't cry. Mommy's here." Eren looked like he was on the brink of tears. I'm sure I did too. It was amazing.

We have our own little family.

A month passed before we had the celebration. Eren and I wanted to make sure the kids were ready to be somewhere with so many people. And we had to start building more homes for the people who joined from Grisha's pack.

By the time everything was ready, Eren was up and walking like nothing had ever happened.

We stood on that stage in front of our pack and lifted our twins to the sky.

Cheers of joy from the audience and giggles from our children filled the air.

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