Chappie 1!

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Your gem glowed. You awoke. Panicking you clawed at the ground around you. You made it to the surface. Once you collected yourself, panting and struggling to stand, you looked around. All around you there were murals carved into grey stone. Big, huge, graceful beings were carved into stone with patterns surrounding them. You saw depictions of great wars, organised masses forcing their way through primitive creatures.

The grey walls meet above you in a giant dome shape. At the very centre there was a small window. The panes made diamond shaped patterns. Outside the light was a slight green colour. You looked at the floor. It was a stainless, immaculate and shiny steel floor. The hole you had clawed out of was now, mysteriously, gone. You turned around once more, looking for an exit. Suddenly parts of the walls started to move. Once they had made a large diamond shape hole it lightened up. Pixels started arranging and you realised it was a screen. You stared at it, it beeped 3 times and a grey being appeared on the screen.

"(G/n), you are a level 1 gem. All gems on homeworld have a purpose. You are a new breed of gem we have created, we assume you will be handy in battle but we need to test your abilities to see what your breed can do. Head to the door behind you"
a large door slowly opened behind you as your eyes widened in shock
"and outside you will be escorted by a level 7 ruby to the training facilities in Sector 3-31. If you do not follow our instructions you will be shattered. Copy my salute, this is our greeting." The grey being forced their hands into a diamond shape and stood with their shoulders square. You did the same and the screen blacked out. The wall closed and you timidly made your way to the door.

You took once last glance around the room you were just in. You had a feeling you wouldn't be seeing it again. You saw Who you assumed was the Level 7 Ruby. You 'greeted' them. They did it back and led you down a vast maze of corridors. "All of our corridors are organised by numbers. There are 5 main sections on this ship, numbered from one to 5. We are currently on sector 3. Each Sector is organised by its corridor and room. We are in corridor 3, and we are going to room 1. Hence Sector 3-31." The ruby explained in their scratchy yet charming voice as you walked down the white green and yellow corridors. Ruby was obviously trying their hardest to be professional.

They pressed their hand against a yellow panel next to the door, "once you have been scanned your hand will also open the doors." The Ruby told you. You had no idea what this scan involved or when it would happen. You just decided to forget about it and follow your orders. The Ruby lead you into another large room. The walls were white and smooth. The floor had green diamond shaped tiles with yellow linings around them. In the centre of the room stood the only object. A small, cube shaped, object sitting on one of its corners.
"Activate Hologram" the Ruby said. The cube glowed white and a hologram shot out above it. The hologram was of a beautiful, tall yellow coloured lady. "This new technology is nifty!" The Ruby said. You hummed in agreement, despite having not seen any old technology.

(If you already know about the diamonds you can skip to where you see bold writing! It's not far)

"This is Yellow Diamond. We have four diamonds. They are our leaders. We live to serve them. Yellow diamond is in charge of the technical side of home-world. She commands all the technicians gems such as peridots."

The hologram changed to a Pink lady "this is Pink diamond, she commands all the warriors. She is my diamond." The Ruby said proudly. The hologram changed to a blue lady.
"This is blue diamond, she controls all the advisors and law makers. What the humans call 'government' almost." The hologram changed to a white silhouette.


"We can't show images of White Diamond, for that would be creating false imagery of her, but she is the leader. She is ranked above the other diamonds. She is the most beautiful, from the legends." The ruby spent the next few hours explaining all the levels and gem types. You instantly forgot most of this information. You were too busy trying to figure out what white diamond would look like. You snapped out of your daze just in time to hear the last of the Rubies speech "but don't spend too much time worrying about everything. Most gems will know that you are a new gem so they won't be too harsh if you accidentally disrespect them. But don't block any hits, that will just anger them, okay?" The Ruby kindly advised.
"Y-Yes, thank you" you stuttered at the first time hearing your own voice.

"Okay! So now it's time for the more interesting things!" The Ruby said. "I never had to do training as they already know what Rubies do, but you're different so you get to try everything!" The Ruby said, possibly jealous. You left the room and entered the corridors again thinking that Maybe they didn't like their current position.

"A level 7 is quiet high, correct?" You asked
"Yeah, its pretty good, although the really good ones, like the Jaspers, are Level 13 or 14" Ruby said.
"Thank you for explaining this all to m-" you were interrupted when a voice boomed through the corridors.
"Ruby- Level 7, have you seen her?" The voice boomed as heavy footsteps echoed down the hall. A small voice squeaked "just up the hall" and the footsteps headed closer to you. Ruby looked excited to say the least.

A huge orange gem marched up to you too. She was huge, strong, beautiful. You gaped in awe, "a newbie huh? You must be the Level 7 Ruby then, R-7c0, correct?" The orange lady asked Ruby.
"Yes!" She said as she saluted with a huge grin. "What was i needed for?" She asked. "I need you to join the sapphire escort team. The ruby that was expected to take up the role did not generate yet. I will escort stoney here to the training room."

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