Chappie 23! The finale, 2/...2 :(

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I'm really emotional cause this is the end of this fanfiction!! It's been going for months :,( i hope you all enjoyed it and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your life to read this! I really appreciate you all!! I'm gonna miss this book!!!

You couldn't help but cheer as you landed with a thud. The bubble was broken. The fusion seemed to have woken up "(G-G/N)!" They yelled, catching your attention. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!" You yelled back, pointing at the problem at hand. You scrambled to your feet and the fusion nodded, before facing the ship.

They landed a barrage of various missiles at the ship. Suddenly you remembered, Roses cannons! You scrambled under the house and saw them standing their. You pulled them out, with a little help from the wind of course, and quickly had it positioned. The finger was pointing at the fusion, they looked defeated and tears stung in their eyes. You remembered Jasper. "If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs." You whispered.
"For Jasper!" You screamed, watching the shots push the hand-ship of balance. The fingers glow subsided and the fusion quickly regained their composition, well, tried to.

You let a sob out as you watched the fusion begin to fall apart. All these gems, all the ones who were gone, their sacrifice can't have been for nothing! You remembered Bismuth and smiled, Jasper still hurt to think about and Rose, well Rose was gone too. Blinking away the tears you yelled as loud as you could "GET YOURSELF BACK TOGETHER YOU- YOU CLOD!" You saw the fusion anger and then relax.

They took a deep breath and stretched up to their full height. The summoned all the weapons they could, they launched them, only to be shot down before they even reached the ship. There were two fingers glowing, painfully bright.

One shot had landed, the fusion had blocked most of it.

The second shot hit the fusion, they stumbled backwards. You saw them waver again and you yelled "DON'T YOU DARE FALL APART!" They nearly reformed. Suddenly you heard all the gems seperate voices call out to you "(G/N)! HELP US!" They all called out. You swallowed your fears and sprinted across the beach to them.

You ran as fast as you could but time seemed to slow, your steps each accurate and careful, the distorted face of the bundle of limbs crouching on the beach, looking at you with a pleading expression as you sprinted. They needed you. You saw the tears build in their eyes and the ship had realigned, the finger beginning to hum and glow.

"I'm nearly there!" You comforted as you yelled "hold it together until then!" You yelled, you were nearly there. You ran and jumped, your hand outstretched as the wind pushed you along and the fusion reached out their many arms. You saw a bright light and shielded your eyes, protecting them from the burn.

Then, there was another loud bang.

You opened your eyes, all three. You extended your eight arms and stood up on your two legs. You summoned a shield, a sword and more arrows all around you.
"For Earth!" You shouted, you felt stable. The earth was solid around you, the ship was your target. You felt the fury of all the other gems swarm around you and you directed it to your shield, blocking a shot. It flung back towards the ship and broke off one of the fingers.

You couldn't help but smile and laugh, you keep flying forward towards the ship, you raised your sword arm and slashed down. You grinned as you saw the ship split in two, then frown as both pieces remained in the air. You saw inside hundreds of gems, all rushing around the ship. You couldn't kill them. You sighed and landed, wondering what to do next. The ship fired another shot and hit you on the chest. It stung but you didn't let the tears fall. Suddenly hundreds of small, blue, purple and various shades of orange drops landed all around you.

"Keep it up!" "Don't stop!" "Free us!" "We need you!" The gems all shouted. You looked around and saw hundreds of gems, Amethysts, jaspers, Carnelians, hundreds. They kept cheering and you stood up, beckoning the broken ship forward.

You looked around and saw, ghosts? No, other gems. Steven told you. You took a deep breath and saw a gems spirit glowing blue, filled with sadness.
"This was Pink Diamonds base! Her last colony! Do you want to destroy it?" You shouted.
"Yes! Then i might be able to forget her!" Blue diamond said back.
"You'll never forget her!" You yelled back.
"I know that!" She screeched back, you
Could feel her crumble with every word. Steven brought you back to the real world and you shivered as the cool beach air whipped around you. The ship landed in front of you. You armed yourself as the ships door opened. Out stepped hundreds more gems, all running and reuniting with their friends. Finally a large blue figure walked out, her fearsome silhouette scaring all the gems around you.
You prepared to fight, Mrs Maheswaran would kill you if anything happened to Connie. Suddenly Blue Diamond lifted her shawl, raised her head and looked at you with pleading eyes.

You smiled, outstretched your hand and said "welcome to the crystal gems!" You turned around to face your new team and beamed brightly as they cheered.

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