Chappie 17!

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"Hello...?" The boy, Steven, asked again.
"Uh, yes, of course. Sorry, my name is (G/N)..." you mumbled, taking in whats happened.
"S-Steven, can you take me to the crystal gems?" You ask timidly
"Oh! Yes of course!" He says, tugging you along by the hand. You could help the tears that happened then, you had missed so much of Stevens life. He turned back around "H-hey, are you okay?" He asked, stopping his running.

"I-I'm so sorry Steven" you sobbed, hiding your face.
"W-What for?!" He asked
"I-I wasn't there for you- i-i should've c-come back sooner" you said
"Hey now, it's okay. I dont know what you're talking about but you've been here the whole time!" He said
"W-What?" You asked
"Well, i always had this necklace, you were the gem tied to it. I-I wore it all the time. The gems told me to never lose it and to always keep it safe because, it was a crystal gem. So i did! Everytime i was in trouble you seemed to, seemed to give me strength of some kind." He said, shyly rubbing his arm. You hugged him tightly and you both sat down on the beach.

"Well, i was around when you were a baby. I was around for a lot longer than that though... technically a lot longer than i've been alive." You said, Stevens face screwed in confusion.
"I-uh, i used to be two gems..." you said
"Oh, like Garnet!" He said
"No, not like Garnet. I uh, i'm a forced fusion." You explained "the diamonds uh melted down two gems and mixed them together, then they made me." You said. "I was friends with Bismuth, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, Rose, h-hey Gregs still around right?!" You asked, remembering he aged.

"Yeah Dads fine! Why wouldn't he be?" Steven asked, alarmed
"O-oh i just, i don't really know how human ageing works." You said, sighing in relief. You both stood up and dusted yourselves off. You walked to the temple, having reformed outside frybos, and entered the house.
"This house is new" you said, marvelling at it.
"Oh yeah, the gems built that!" Steven said, leading you through the house. "Wait here! I'll get everyone!" He said, disappearing behind the door. You waited impatiently for the gems and Steven to come around. You saw the door glow and suddenly felt extremely anxious. What if they thought you did this on purpose? What if they forgot about you? What if they replaced you? These thoughts all disappeared, however, when you saw the gems all standing with shock on their faces and tears in their eyes at the door.
"(G-G/N)!" Amethyst yelled, running up and hugging you, followed by Pearl and Garnet.

You felt shocked to say the least.
"Hello, everyone" you said, confused.
"I'm so glad your back! We can get back to pranking with Greg!" Amethyst yells. You laugh and then ask the million dollar question "so... how long was i out for?" You ask.
"14 years roughly" Pearl says, not looking at you.
"Oh." You say, the gut wrenching feeling of guilt tearing your stomach into tiny little pieces.
"S-Sorry" you say, your voice cracking again. The gems see this and instantly hug you again. You can't help the bubbles of laughter that rise out of you.

After you had all settled down Garnets face fell into a serious expression.
"It's great to have you back (g/n), but.." she sighed.
"We still haven't completely one over Earth" Pearl added.
"Yeah! The diamonds keep throwing these crazy things at us! Red eye things, ruby patrols, JASPER!" Amethyst yelled, getting excited.
"Woah, woah, so homeworld is... advancing?" You ask.
"Yes, our only advantage is they don't know about the cluster." Pearl said, nodding.

"The cluster?" You asked, confused.
"Oh! Yes of course, well, thanks to two new additions to the team we found out that homeworld had placed, a giant forced fusion under the Earths crust. It's like the other experiments, not you." She added "except it's huge." She said grimly.

"We discovered it was about to form." Garnet said "it was lucky Steven was there because he, he managed to bubble the entire thing." Garnet said proudly, ruffling his hair. Steven smiled shyly and rubbed his arm. "I had help..." he said. Garnet chuckled "anyway, our only advantage is that they dont know that it's bubbled now. They still think it's going to form and destroy the earth." Garnet said. "But they'll figure it out sooner or later." She added, adjusting her visor.

The gems carried on with their conversation while you thought to yourself, Jasper? What had happened there?
"What happened to Jasper?" You asked, making Steven freeze up and the rest of the gems flinch.
"S-she got corrupted." Steven said.
"N-n-no way" you said, holding onto the wall for support. Jasper? No!
"H-how?" You asked.
"She was attacking us, she captured corrupted gems to make a, an army. But she failed, Amethyst and i fused, and as a last minute resource Jasper, she fused with it. Peridot poofed her and now she lives bubbled in the barn." Steven said, looking sadder and sadder as he went on.

"O-okay" you said.
"Why do you care?" Pearl asked suspiciously.
"J-Jasper, back in one of our battles she, she saved me. Not to mention that part of me, before i was- changed, was good friends with her. I, i can't help but be attached." You said, suddenly finding the back of your neck with your hand.

"Jasper saved you? Why?" Pearl demanded.
"S-she was still in love with Pink Diamond. She decided that because Pink Diamond valued part of me so much, that i should be taken care of. It's what she would've thought anyway." You explained. Garnet looked unfazed by this information while Pearl was screeching "Garnet did you know about this?!"
"Maybe" Garnet smirked. Amethyst laughed and high fived Garnet.
"I can't believe this!" Pearl yelled.

"Look, look. This gives us a hold over Jasper." You said, not really believing this could work, but just wanting to see her. "We can convince her Earth was special to PD as well." You said, making all the gems pause and consider your idea.

So how do you like it?! Thanks to my loyal readers! You know who you are!!! You're the best!!! Thank you so muccchhh and i hope you have a lovely day!!!

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