Chappie 3!

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The lady sighed "you can open your eyes now" she said tiredly. You opened them and saw a big pink lady.
"Pearl! You got my sword! And, a new recruit?" She asked, looking at you. So her name was pearl.
"Yes Rose! Anything for you!" She said happily. Rose adoringly hugged Pearl.
"Thank you my Pearl" she said. You stood their quietly.
"I'm guessing i'm not being tested anymore" you sarcastically whispered to yourself.
"Well, whose this Pearl?" Rose asked.
"I-I don't really know." Pearl admitted "they're a new gem. Although i can't tell what type" she finished. As if it made up for not knowing who you are.
"Uh, everyone was calling me (g/n)" you said.

"Oh! They must be breeding new gems" Rose said. Pearl hummed in agreement.
"Oh!" Pearl suddenly said as Rose was staring at you, grinning "they can control the air" Pearl said.
"Really?" Rose asked excited. Her eyes large and star shaped.
"I guess so" you said.
"Wait, so, how long have you been around? Exactly" Rose asked.
"Today" you replied. "I was beginning training." You said, and you decided to salute her. She laughed.
"Oh silly! You don't need to salute me!" She giggled. Everyone stopped paying attention to you and went back to Pearl getting Roses sword. She explained how she got you to open the doors. You were sitting by yourself, taking in your surroundings. There was grass, trees, clouds and pretty coloured plants. You thought back to the days moments
(Trigger warning!! Recounting abuse!!skip to the bold writing if you wish!)

You panicked. You put your head inbetween your knees and started panting. You felt as though jasper was loomed over you, her grin in your face as she played with her toys. Poking and jabbing, burning and twisting.


You suddenly felt a large hand on your shoulder. You shot up and used the air to move you away.
"Hey, hey, its okay!" The big grey gem with rainbow dreadlocks said. You calmed down but stayed where you were.
"W-what are my instructions?" You asked. Her mouth turned into a frown.
"I'm here to help you, no instructions" she said "my names Bismuth." She said.

"Uh (g/n), i think" you replied.
"Look, (g/n), i'm gonna get straight to the point. You need to forget everything they taught you. The people you first met are bad. Now that you're with us, if you meet them they will try to shatter you. You're stuck with us" she grinned "Rose, the big pink lady, is our leader". You just looked down at the ground. Your eyes wide, you were so confused.

"I" you didnt know what to say, you felt water go down your cheeks. It felt satisfying, like it was communicating how you felt. You looked pleadingly at Bismuth. She came over slowly and wrapped her arms against you. She stroked your head and whispered "its okay now baby, i got you, its okay" she said as you cried silently.

Rose Quartz walked over, ignoring you she said "Bismuth, Pearl and I are going to see if we can scare off blue diamond. Are you coming?" Rose said.
"Can't you see i'm busy?" Bismuth asked angrily, gesturing to you. Rose noticed you "oh! Of course! Well, i'll be back soon!" She cheerfully said as she walked away, pearl in tow.

"Well (g/n), tell me about yourself." Bismuth said, still holding you. "I-I'm a level one (g/n), i can bend air." You said plainly.
"No! No! No!" She chuckled "tell me about your life!" She laughed.
"Uh-well, today i woke up in a room with strange carvings and a window on the roof. A lady on a screen told me to meet the Ruby outside. The Ruby told me everything, but she had to go so jasper took over training me. She took me in a room and tested tools on me, t-then she poofed me. Afterwards she fought me and then went to report to Pink Diamond. Then Pearl came and attacked me, then told me it was my training. Got me to get the pink sword. Then we went in this weird blue strea-" you choked up. "I-i don't want to talk anymore" you said.

"Did Pearl trick you like that? Did she warn you what the warp pad did? Did she explain anything??" Bismuth asked angrily. "What did Jasper do to you??" She asked even angrier. You jumped everytime she spoke. Your eyes pricked with tears. "I can't believe!" She yelled "all that happened to you" she said in a softer voice.

"I-it was all training, i needed it. Its what the diamonds want" you said confused.
"Ugh no! Thats-thats wrong!" She yelled. You didn't know what to do
"S-sorry" you said, Bismuth suddenly went from anger to shock, then concern "no baby! None of this is your fault. You are a victim, okay? Don't ever apologise for being hurt or scared, okay?" Bismuth told you gently.
"A-alright" you said. Bismuth explained all about the rebellion and how you would be living now. You took it all in this time.

Rose and Pearl returned from the attempt to scare away blue diamond. Behind them they had a strange looking gem. She was pink and blue and looking very confused. Rose walked over and was about to talk to Bismuth, and recount the events, when Bismuth shouted "PEARL!" She yelled, she grabbed pearls arm "HOW COULD YOU? HOW could you do all that to, to a new gem?! What made you treat them like that! You didn't even warn them about the warp pad!" Bismuth yelled. Pearl turned to you
"You-! You told her everything didn't you!" She yelled
"Not everything!" You defended yourself.
Pearl ran over to you, scared you pushed her up the air with the wind "dont touch me!" You yelled as you crouched on the ground and covered your face. Pearl was struggling up in the air and Rose Quartz spoke up "put her down (g/n)." Rose instructed. You couldn't hear her, you were too scared. "PUT HER DOWN (G/N)!" She yelled. You yelped and dropped pearl on the ground. You stood up straight and backed away, you turned and sprinted to god knows where.

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