Chappie 8!

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"It's time to face your fears. It's time to become the perfect weapon!" Shouted Pink diamond. "Yes my Diamond" you grunted as the crushing force above you increases in volume. You had to be strong. You had to be diligent, you had to hold this hunk'a'junk up! You screamed internally, pushing back. You had been training hard, you were to become the best soldier all of gem kind had seen. Tough, loyal, determined. You lifted it up in the air above your shoulders. Pink Diamond squealed in delight "ahahaha! Put me down now you oaf!" She laughed. You set her down gently and chuckled as you saluted her.

What was that? You wondered, finding yourself on the floor. You saw all the gems with concerned faces. "Oh! Sorry! Didn't mean to worry anyone" you said, standing quickly and straightening your clothes. You noticed Rose was looking Particularly concerned. You knew she had destroyed Pink Diamond, you couldn't tell her about this intimate flashback. What would she do? Probably detain you and keep you from acting upon these memories. You had to keep these to yourself.

Pearl cleared her throat "you alright?" She asked, you realised you had been standing deep in thought for a rather long time. "Ah, yeah, just startled myself is all" you said. They all knew something was up with you, but luckily, decided not to pry. "Just another flashback from Benetoite" you said, trying to relieve everyones minds. Everyone visibly relaxed except Rose. They all left one by one until Rose was left. "You can tell me anything" she said, walking and hugging you. You resisted the urge to burst out crying. She was being so kind and you had to keep this secret.

       •••oOTIME OF SKIPOo•••

Life proceeded normally from there, for years, decades, well normal for you. You had no further flashbacks, which was irritating yet relieving. The curiosity was killing you, but you were worried the physical aspects of these flashbacks might actually kill you. You grunted as you lifted the heavy stone, the gems had found a good place for your base and you were now helping build the large temple. You saw your now close friend -er friends?, Garnet run over. She helped you lift the massive hand and you placed it gently on the temple. You sighed and slumped down on the grass, deciding it was time for a break.

You saw an expression of worry on Garnets face "so what badluck of mine have you foreseen for today? You only ever look like that when the future looks troubling." You grinned, knowing her to well.

"Well, it's bot your bad luck. More Roses. She is going to -uh- tell us bad news possibly today, or very far in the future. Although i wish she tells us later, we would be better off if it happened now" she said.

"So if she tells us this 'thing' now, it would be better than later?" You asked, trying to get the gist of what she was saying. She may as well be talking in riddles. You saw her walls crumble and she told you exactly what she meant.
"Rose is going to 'die' of her own will." You looked puzzled but waited for her to continue "she is going to give up her physical form to have a human child. If she tells us today she will be gone soon, and we will have to find a new leader. Possibly Bismuth. If she tells us in the far future, she will have lived longer, but the large majority of our forces, the crystal gems, will have been lost." Garnet said, worry woven through her.

"We'll just have to wait and see for today then, no use worrying." You said, patting Garnets back. She visibly loosened her tight posture at breathed out a sigh "you're right" she said.
"Always am" you grinned, despite the gnawing guilt and fear crawling up inside you.

Rose delivered no such news that day. Garnet had decided to spend the night with you, star gazing. The impending doom of yourselves and your companions weighing down on you. You and Garnet alone bore this knowledge and so it rested on yours and hers shoulders. Crushing both your spirits.

"I shouldn't have told you" she said out of the blue.
"Of course you should have, you shouldn't go through this knowledge alone" you comforted, slightly wishing she hadn't told you. But you knew she needed a companion.
"We'll be okay" you said, wrapping your arm around her and holding her close. Comforting her and yourself. It must be hard seeing these bad things and having no course of action to take all the time.

Throughout the next few months, as you were working, you often wondered how Roses death would affect the gems. You had no clue who would still be around and so you tried to avoid them, not wanting to get attached. Bismuth noticed this and approached you. "Hey kiddo, what's got ya so worried?" She said behind you, causing you to jump.
"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. Really" you added the last bit when you saw her confusion.
"Not havin anymore flashbacks are ya?" She asked, eyeing you worriedly.
"Well, actually no, the last one was when i collapsed. That was the most troubling i think" you said. You had quickly trusted and became friends with Bismuth again, even after Benetoites suffering. It was in the past you had decided.

"What was so troubling?" Bismuth asked. You couldn't stop the words that blurted out then "i was friends with Pink Diamond" you said, then realised you'd let it slip. You knew how close Bismuth and Rose were "please dont tell rose!" You whispered, alarmed as you gripped bitmuths shoulders.

"Woah woah okay i wont, why wouldn't i though?" Bismuth asked, seemingly clueless.
"You know... she destroyed -er- her. If she knew i could possibly have had feelings towards her Rose would probably lock me up. Who knows what i'll do when these memories come back to me." You added, letting your worries spill.
"Hey hey now" she whispered, pulling you in for a hug and rubbing your back "you're one of us, you won't hurt anyone" she whispered. You hugged her as well and just relished the warmth and comfort of another being, missing the sensation after avoiding everyone for so long.

I wrote this in one day! Again, sorry for not updating as much!! I wont stop though!!! Unless i say i've stopped... but i highly doubt that. Thanks for reading!!!! Will update next chapter ASAP (its the 7th of Jan 2017 as i write this, just so you know)

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