Chappie 5!

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You opened your eyes, still scared out of your wits. You were glad to see the gems had changed back to normal. Rose rushed over "(G/N), please tell me what you saw" she hushed you.
"I-It's nothing!" You insisted, still violently shaking.
"What did you (g/n)" she repeated. You gave in and replied "y-you all had J-J-jaspers face"
"See? That's not nothing. What happened to you up there?" She asked.
"Testing" you replied, refusing to look at them. You didn't want to tell them because you were afraid they would use you.

"What happened in testing?" She asked gently. You turned away and shook your head. You couldn't tell her that, no way. "(G/n)... we need to know if you want help" she said
"I-if i tell you, y-you promise not to use me okay?" You said, facing them again. Rose blinked, then smiled
"Of course we wont use you" she assured.

"I don't trust you, but i guess i have no other choice." You sighed. You faced the gems before you, suddenly more crystal gems filled the room, wondering what all the commotion was about. You couldn't move. Bismuth walked over, grabbed your hand and pulled you into the next room.

Garnet, Pearl and Rose quickly followed. You felt confused about telling Pearl and Garnet but decided to go through with it anyway. You calmed down from the recent events and fiddled with your hands

"Ja-Jasper took me from the Ruby." You said and Garnets eye's lit up. Suddenly she unfused and the gem from before was there, with a small, blue gem.
"You-You're the (g/n) i was in charge of... wh-what-" she was interrupted by the blue gem "ssh, or she wont tell us what happened." She said. (Recounting the abuse AGAIN,, skip to the bold writing if you wish!)

"S-so jasper took me from the Level 7 Ruby. She took me into the training room. There were lots of strange tools lined up against the walls, she strapped me down onto a table. T-then she used the t-tools on me, for ho-hours. T-then she poofed me so she could fight me. That's all before Pearl came in" you finished, relieved that you wouldn't have to tell the tale again.
Itsh good now ^_^

The gems all had hard expressions on their faces (•\ )-( /•). You looked down at the ground unsure of what to say. Was this a bad thing?
"(G/n)" Rose began in a soft voice "i'm so sorry you went through all of this, on your first day. Normally only fusions see visions like that so, i'm not entirely sure of how to help you." She said.
"Why do i need help?" You asked
"Seeing your tormentor on your friends faces isn't normal baby" Bismuth added.
"W-what should i do?!" You asked, now alarmed.
"You should just give yourself some time. To adjust, to just be alive" Pearl said.
"Okay" you mumbled. You looked up and they all had jaspers face, you jumped, then relaxed. It wasn't real, you couldn't stop the tears.

You looked at all the Gems around you, one by one. You finally landed on Bismuth, there was something, familiar about her. Something not from today or yesterday. You had stopped crying and you now felt as though you were wrestling with yourself. Who was she to you?
She wasn't anyone, you havent met her before.
Yes you have, you know her.
"We've only been alive for a couple of days!" You shouted out loud as your inner argument got out of control.

"We?" Garnet asked.
"I-we- i dont know" you said, suddenly confused. As far as you knew you were only one gem.
"Only fusions experience visions like this" you repeated to yourself.
"I-If i've only been alive for a couple of days" you began. "How do i know what fusion is? How did i know what the grass and trees and water was. H-how did i know all that?!" You asked. The pieces were falling into place.

"I remember you bismuth, from somewhere befoOORE ARGHHH!" You yelled as you felt your very being been torn in two, you started to glow and rise above the ground. Suddenly you dropped back down onto the ground. You looked up, scared and worried to see all the gems had shocked expressions.

"W-hat" you took a deep breath "just happened?!" You asked.
"Y-you're a fusion..." pearl whispered.
"I-I only have one gem!" You argued.
"B-But your gem is a new breed, you- oh god" pearl whispered.
"What? WHAT TELL ME PLEASE" you begged.
"When you unfused just now, your gem it started pulling apart, it was like your gem was two gems mixed together..." she whispered, horrified.

"G/n), i think" Rose said "i think you used to be two gems"

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