Chappie 18!

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"What do you mean?" Pearl asked, obviously thinking your were nuts.
"Well, if she saved me, a forced fusion experiment, just because i have a part of me that was connected to Pink Diamond, maybe we could convince her to, you know, think Pink Diamond valued Earth or something." You said, your idea sounding more and more ridiculous as you went on.
"Look, i just want to thank her" you said, thinking back to that day in the forest.

"Yes, lets do it" Garnet said.
"But sHES CORRUPTED" Pearl yelled. "You know what corrupted means right everyone?" She screeched.
"In my future vision i see a reality where Jasper is back to normal. Then theres the possibility of her attacking or joining us. Either way we turn out okay. No one deserves corruption." Garnet said. Pearl hung her shoulders in defeat and moaned "finnnne" she said. Amethyst whooped "yes! This is gonna be sick!" She yelled.

"I'm not sure gems can... get sick?" You said, confused.
"Nah, it means cool dude!" She said, punching your arm lightly. You ruffled her hair and couldn't hold back from hugging her.
"I missed ya (g/n)" she said.
"I missed you too." You admitted.

You all made your way to the barn.
"hhhyyyYYYYAAAAAAA!!!" A small green gem shouted, running at you with a bat. You covered your face, preparing for impact "she's with us, Peridot." Garnet said, you lowered your arms and saw Garnet holding the little green one above the ground where she thrashed around.
"But thats the experiment." Peridot said.
"Yes, it is, and they've been a crystal gem longer than Lapis and Yourself, longer than Steven." She said, putting down Peridot, who had finally calmed down.
"Oh, er... sorry about that!" She said, sticking out her hand. You tentatively grabbed it and shook hands with her "no problem..." you said, a little startled.

"This is Lapis!" Peridot said, turning to reveal that blue gem... she looked familiar.
"Oh! I've seen you before! I tried to save you during the battle before Jasper knocked me out." You said. She looked shocked and then turned away. "Well you didn't" she said bitterly.
"Sorry" you said, confused.
Peridot whispered to you "she's a bit touchy with the past." She explained.

"Oh." Was all you said "well, i'm glad your a crystal gem now." The Lazuli seemed to brighten up a little at this.
"Me too" she said, smiling softly. You sighed in relief, glad you had said the right thing.

You looked up and saw a few bubbles on the roof. You instantly recognised Jaspers gem, floating in the middle.
"Hey, it's Jasper" you said, pointing. Lapis flinched and left the barn.
"I told her if they came to find Jasper she should leave for a day or two, just incase." Peridot explained, a worried expression on her face. "Anyway (g/n), i'm going to go and hang out with Lapis. You guys do what you need but DONT BREAK ANYTHING!" She said, wavering what she thought was a threatening 'point' at all of you as she exited the barn.

"Those two, have their uhm... charm." You said, blinking blanky.
"Yes well, Peridot is quiet the character." Pearl said "Lapis however, was trapped in a mirror for years, centuries. And then when she was finally free she had to, fuse with Jasper. Neither of them got any benefit from that. Lapis kept their fusion 'Malachite' at the bottom of the ocean for as long as she could. You missed a lot while you were gone (g/n)." Pearl explained.
"It seems i have." You said, making Steven look a little downcast.
"But i have plenty of time to look forward too." You grinned, rubbing Stevens head.

You looked up, you carefully reached up and pulled Jasper down. You remembered all the times before you were fused you had with her, and the time she saved you. You suddenly found yourself shaking, scared to see what she had become.
"W-We have to outside (g/n), Jaspers pretty big." Steven said, pulling you along gently.

"Alright" you said, staring at Jaspers gem, mesmerised by how it glinted in the sun.
"(G/n)?" Steven asked.
"S-sorry, i just never took much notice of her gem before." You said. You all stepped outside and the gems got in position.

"Pop it (G/n)" Garnet ordered, so you did. You caught Jaspers gem in your hand and then it a sudden flash you were bashed into the barn wall. You groaned and blinked. You stood up shakily, your body aching in pain.
You looked over and saw, a monster. Jasper was huge, but she looked like a dog. You stumbled over
"J-jasper" you said, she didn't hear you as she fought Pearl.
"J-Jasper" you sobbed, falling to your knees. She stopped and looked at you (well, her head turned in your direction.). She stopped and walked over to you. She whined and lifted her paw, about to hit you. You could tell she was struggling with herself.
"Don't hurt me" you gasped between breathes. "That's not what Pink Diamond would want." You said, forcing herself to screech in agony as she fought against the instinct to fight, and the love of her diamond. She slammed her leg on the ground next to you, you gently stroked her fur, she settled down and she purred. You giggled and continued to stroke her.
"T-That's it Jasper. Now, please let Steven try to help you." You said, knowing full well he had Roses healing powers. Jasper flinched at the name but made no move to run away.
"Good job Jasper, i'm proud of you." You said. Steven was about to touch her gem when suddenly Peridot walked around the corner "forgot my-oh.." she said. Jasper jumped up, alarmed at the new person. She jumped over the barn (and far away) and sprinted into the forest.

"We were so close!" Pearl said
"Yeah, you nearly got there Ste-man." Amethyst said, giving him an affectionate punch to the arm.
"Its okay (G/N)" Garnet said, noticing that you hadn't got up.
"Its not okay" you said "she's out there, all alone." You said.
"I'm going to go and find her." You said, stumbling weakly as you made your way to the forest.
"Go with her Steven" Garnet said, pushing Steven in your direction. Pearl and Amethyst were confused, but like Steven, followed her orders.

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