Chappie 13!

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You turned away bitterly from Garnet, you could see how tired she was when she asked how you fixed yourself. You didn't know, why did you survive while the others had to suffer?

You went inside and faced Rose again, even if you were dealing with a very difficult emotional issue, you knew Rose needed all the support she could get. She knew she was going to disappear. "Rose, is there anything i can do, to help you?" You asked timidly.
"Hm, i think we have everything under control, thank you though." She said, humming she rubbed circles over her stomach "just 3 months and little baby Steven here will be right out!" She laughed heartily. You smiled at how happy she seemed, maybe this child would be a blessing. Although you could already tell the other gems were beginning to... resent the child. When this child came you knew it would need all the friends and advice it could get. You just had to hope the gems would get over themselves soon.

The trio of the baby-haters, as you had fondly nicknamed them inside your head, found it harder and harder to be around Rose in the next two months. You were the only one who really visited and thus kept her and Greg company.
"So, Greg, what did you say you do for a living again?" You asked, holding the hot cup of coffee Greg had made for you. It tasted bitter but strangely enough you liked it.
"I used to be a singer/songwriter. I travelled the country playing songs to people. Then i came to beach city were i met Rose, i decided i had to take responsibility and got a job at the carwash. So i wash peoples cars for money." He explained. Greg had known the gems for a while so he knew that he needed to explain things like that, which you were glad for.
"Oh that's cool, i think i'd like to drive a car one day" you hummed.
"Pearl is really good at driving." Greg laughed. "She nearly knocked down poor Frybo on the board walk once!" He laughed. Rose laughed and you grinned. This was, nice.

"You know Greg, my whole life, which is many thousands of years mind you, this is probably the most peaceful moment i've had." You said, Rose nodded and smiled in agreement
"Yes, the humans do really know how to kick back" Rose said, the human saying sounding weird in her voice. You and greg burst out laughing leaving a confused, yet happy Rose.

That night you stayed with Greg and Rose. During the past couple months Greg had taught you the basics of cooking. You noticed Rose had to actually consume human food for her child. You knew Greg was a hopeless cook, so being the nice gem you are you decided to learn more. You spent about a week reading up on cooking books and soon had a few recipes memorised. You cooked for them often, Greg was often hungry and tired from a days work and Rose was always hungry.

It was one month until little baby Steven was supposed to show his head. That also meant one month until Rose... left. The other gems still weren't visiting and you could tell Rose was depressed. You had had enough.

Storming up to the temple you yelled "YOU CRYSTAL CLODS GET YOUR WORTHLESS STONY ARSES OUT HERE!". Soon enough Amethyst rounded the corner, shapeshifted as a dog. Pearl came out of her room looking confused and Garnet appeared on the warp pad.
"What's all the noise for?" Pearl sneered.
"Well, if you must know your FRIEND is going to do the equivalent of dying in a month and none of her so called 'friends' are even TALKING to her." You said. They cast their gazes down.
"But- how are we supposed to face her?" Pearl asked
"I don't know! How is she supposed to go through this alone!" You shouted
"You idiots had better get your heads screwed on properly, this isn't about you. This about Rose." You hissed. You left the hill and walked back to Gregs, you felt you needed a coffee.

Rose was sitting on the couch, reading one of Gregs 'adult' novels and giggling. Greg was making more coffee and tea and looked like he had just been grocery shopping.
"Having fun, you two?" You asked, sitting on the kitchen counter in front of Greg.
"Oh! (G/n)!" Greg said "want some coffee?" He asked
"Yes please" you sighed, resting your chin on your hand.
"Whats goin' on?" He asked
"The stupid idiots that live at the temple." You said. Greg knew you guys rarely insulted eachother so he decided not to pry.
"Well, whatever it is, i'm sure they'll come around." Just as Greg said this there was a knock at the door.
"Can you get that (g/n)?" Greg asked, making the drinks
"Of course" you said, heading to the door. You opened it and there stood the three baby-haters. You acted as if  nothing had happened, there was no need for added drama. "Hello! Come in, come in!" You said, bringing them all inside like the people from the movies.

Roses face instantly it up when she saw them all standing there sheepishly. It was worth it. "Hey everyone! Sorry, i haven't been able to leave the house" Rose said, gently hugging them all and smiling widely. "I knew you'd all come around eventually." Suddenly the atmosphere went, sad.
"I know, this is hard for you all. I-I just want you to know i love you guys. Steven needs to be happy and he can't exist with me." She said, tears building in her eyes "but i need you to promise you will love him." Rose said, actually crying now.
"Of course." Garnet said, Amethyst was wrapping herself around Roses leg, hiding her face and Pearl, Pearl was a sobbing, sniffling mess.

You smiled and stood next to Greg, sipping your coffee.
"What did you do?" Greg asked as the others were too busy in the commotion of calming down Pearl.
"I called them clods, yelled at them and then came back here." You grinned, happy at yourself. Greg chuckled and gave you a hard pat on the back "good work!" He grinned.


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