Chappie 9!

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You're one of us now Bismuth had said, but were you really one?

"Quick! Home world forces are approaching!" Rose shouted loudly, all crystal gems in the vicinity hearing. "T-This was it" you thought, panic crawling up your sides. This is the end of all the gems. You found Garnet and you instantly gripped her arm, your eyes wide and breathing laboured. "I-Is it today?" You ask.
"No- No its not" she said, slightly troubled. You relaxed, "what is wrong then?" You asked, wondering what had her worried.
"J-Just avoid any- oh! If i tell you, it might make it worse... hmm" she pondered.
"Make sure you avoid Rose today" she warned, still looking worried, it seemed she had deemed this the best possible solution.

"Okay, i'll try my best." You said, nodding your head. You rushed off to the battle, it was on a dry landscape. There weren't many trees, which was good for your wind - er- abilities. You saw a hoard of gems running from homeworlds ships. Among the battle you saw a stranded blue gem, with wings of water. She looked confused, she was in the line of fire!

Bismuth was running towards her, she was gonna smash her! You ran over, a flash of pink in the edge of your sight, Rose. You looked up at saw Garnets worried face, time slowed, you saw Bismuth strike the Lapis Lazuli, Garnets arm outstretched to you, Pearl defending a concerned Rose. You noticed a large shadow looming behind you. Then nothing.

Mmm, warm. Where am i? Oh, a door? Ah! Thats bright! Oh, me? Wait no, thats- pink diamond? Her servant, she looks strong. Big, tall, pink short hair. She's laughing? Is this the other part of me? Oh, more laughing. Whose that behind the pillar? A large blue, oh! Blue Diamond. She's, crying? Oh, angry, jealous. She's leaving? What's she going to do... i'll follow her.

Yellow diamonds quarters? Why is she here?
"Blue?" Oh Yellow sounds annoyed.
"I-it's happening again..." Why does she sound so sad?
"Ugh, how can she even consider courting a servant. Have them shattered. Inform White Diamond and then you might be able to get her to court you." How awful? Shatter the servant? Shatter me?

Another door, okay, lets go. Oh it's dark in here. Is that, that's the part of me, Pink Diamonds significant other. She- she's being... poofed. Oh God.

"AaaaahHHHH!" You scream in agony as you reform, the two beings inside you desperately trying to part. You form, you find yourself in, the orange Jaspers arms? The one who tortured you.
"Hello" she says gruffly.
"Ah!" You shout, trying to get out of her grip, she just holds you tighter.
"I'm not going to hurt you, you stupid Earthling!" She says, with a slight softness to her voice. You give up, you hang limp in her arms "just shatter me already" you say. The Jasper looks shocked. "N-No! I'm not taking you to homeworld." She says.
"What? Why?" You ask, scared "w-what are you going to d-do to me?" You ask alarmed.

"I'm going to help you and go." She said, a grim look on her face.
"Why?" You ask, scared.
"I hate this planet, b-but you were special to Pink Diamond. That's where my loyalty lies, no matter if she's gone." She stated. Oh, she loved Pink Diamond.

"Well, thank you" you said "i'm sure Pink Diamond would be proud of your nobility." You said, still shaking. Jasper set you down "i'm sorry." She said.
"You should b-be" you said, trying to be intimidating.
"I only acted the way i did, because, i was -uhm- jealous of you, your, err, importance to Pink Diamond." She said, as if it made up for that.
"Y-You think that makes it okay?!" You yelled, standing up. "You tortured me! I still have flashbacks! I suffer because of what you did to me!" You yelled, shoving her chest as tears made tracks down your cheeks.
"O-of course not!" She said, tears now flowing down her cheeks.

Out of the energy to fight back at her you ask "were we friends?" You ask, wiping your face.
"Y-Yeah. You and i chatted about battle, kindergartens, Earth everyday after serving Pink Diamond, d-do you not remember?" She asks.
"Only bits and pieces" you admit, sitting far away from her. The sun sets and you lay down. You and Jasper were friends, she's gone through a lot. She certainly isn't a good gem, but she's saving you now.

"Well, i guess we can be- not enemies" you decide. "I don't hate you" you say. Jaspers shoulders sag in relief. Her hand grips her face and you see tears spill down. A broken warrior, she let her guard down, for you. You feel, so invasive. There's no way jasper want's you to see her like this. No way. You get up to walk away and give her some privacy. She grabs your wrist and pulls you back a little. "P-please, i know its s-selfish, b-but please! Stay!" She cries. Her eyes looking up at you, tears flowing freely. You swallow your fear, pride and common sense and sit next to her. You put an arm tentatively on her back. She pulls you into her embrace, her hair and general body blocking you from any outside sights or sounds. Even though Jasper is torturous, broken and weak right now, she feels safe. You loops your arms around her neck and hug her right.

She finally calms down and stands up, embarrassed. Her face a deep orange and red blush, she looks at you and clears her throat. She holds out a hand and says "acquaintances?" Gulping. You grasp her hand and say "good acquaintances." You grin and leave, knowing the way back to the temple. Jasper's footsteps pound through the forest as she returns to homeworld, attempting to complete Pink Diamonds last quest.

*sobs* jAAAASSSPPPEERRRRR im sorry i have a REALLY big soft spot for her. For no reason. I like my fictional characters tall and jerky okay. I hope you are enjoying the book!
"This is a work of fiction? Earth ruins everything!"
SHUT UP JASPER *throws her back into the ocean*
AnyWAY, what will you do about jasper?
When will Garnets vision come true?
When will the Crystal Gems fall?
All will be revealed in later chapters!!! Nyehehehehe!!
Anyway thank you, i love you, you're great, awesome, 10/10 coolness and awesomeness.

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