Chappie 14!

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Rose was gone. Although, you couldn't send off her body or gem, seeings as they both belonged to baby Steven, you had a memorial day. You all went to roses fountain, her healing tears pooling in. You all laid candles and cards.

"Rose, you were my best friend" Pearl sobbed "I would follow you anywhere but it seems" she breathed in raggedly "i cannot follow you anymore." She took a deep breath "so i swear i shall do my best to help your child." She bowed on one knee and stood back up. She grabbed the candle she had summoned from her gem earlier and placed it on the edge. It was pink with vine patterns all through it.

Greg, Amethyst and Garnet all said their thing and placed a candle. You, not being one of many words, simply said "thank you" before placing a white candle. You walked up with a match and lit all the candles. You all stood and sat around the fountain for a few hours. Greg had to leave earlier because Steven was crying.

Finally Pearl spoke up "that cursed child. If it weren't for him Rose-" she started getting frustrated "why rose?! Why would you do this?" She yelled, she gave up being angry, her shoulders slumped forward and she trudged away. "I don't ever want to come back here" she said as she left.

Garnet stood up and went away too. Amethyst was playing with a vine sadly, not saying much. You went over to her and hugged her, she broke down in your arms.
"I know you didn't know Rose as long as us Amethyst, so i'm guessing you feel like you can't be as sad as the rest of us. But you can, you can be sad. I'll be strong for you." You promised, rubbing her trembling back as her short hair tickled your chin. You held your tears back and sat with her and the base of Roses fountain. You thought you saw a slight smirk in Roses expression, but it must've been a trick of the light.

Steven was going well, according to Greg. You didn't know much about humans, or human children for that matter. But you tried your best. Pearl and Garnet didn't really show up much at all. Amethyst spent long nights with Greg watching TV shows such as 'little butler' to give themselves a break. Amethyst wasn't gentle or calm enough to help with Steven but she was a good friend for Greg. He needed one.

You often stayed overnight so Greg could sleep and you made sure to attend to all of Stevens needs. Some were, less appealing to satisfy than others, but you did it none-the-less. "Thanks for staying with him all night (G/N)" he said sleepily as he made his way to the kitchen. "The pleasures mine, really, Steven's health and wellbeing is important." You said, although you couldn't help but feel frustrated as you went from warrior to babysitter. You found yourself unsettled at times and paranoid at others.

"Hey, you alright?" Greg asked as he noticed you constantly checking over your shoulder, bouncing your knee. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Just- battle instincts i guess. Every things' been so calm lately- dont get me wrong! Its nice, but, war is all i've really known." You said, glancing at little Steven snoring peacefully in Gregs arms.

"Well, as long as there isn't anything actually bad about to happen." Greg said. You two had been staying in Gregs friend, Vidalia's house, for a week or so. "Ah, well i'd better go grocery shopping" Greg said with a sigh as he stood up, Steven in his arms.
"Oh, no, Greg. I'll do that. You stay here, can i have the money?" You asked, holding out your hand.
"Really? Thanks (G/N)" he said, sitting back down, handing you the cash.
"Well, parenting is supposed to be done by two people. I don't want to try and be his mother or anything, i'm happy to help out is what i'm trying to say" you said, rambling as you left.

You went to the supermarket, grabbing the items you saw Greg devouring and Steven absorbing. Baby powder, nappies, toilet paper and toothpaste were all their human essentials. You decided you had everything and went to the counter. You had done this before so you got through easy and quick. You came back and knocked on the door, seeings as you didn't have a key. There was no answer.

You noticed the van was missing and its tracks worked through the snow. You hid the groceries safely behind the hedge near the door, knowing of humans tendencies to take what is not theirs. You followed the tracks out into the snow, you saw Gregs footsteps among them, why wasn't Greg in the van? You started to run and finally saw the van in the distance.

You sprinted up, using the air to clear snow from around the vehicle. You didn't suffer from any temperature changed but you could tell it would be too cold for little Steven. You yanked open the back of the van to see everyone in there. Greg sitting in the middle with a blue blanket holding Steven and the gems surrounding.

"W-What happened?" You panted, out of breath. You hadn't realised you were panicking.
"n-nothing important" Pearl said, waving her hands and smiling non convincingly, you grabbed her top and pulled her out the van, holding her in the air "what. Did. You. Do?" You ask, furious.

"W-we tried to get Rose back" she admitted.
"Well she isn't coming back!" You yelled, the tears finally streaming down your face. You let Pearl down onto the ground. "Can i have the house keys Greg?" You asked, your voice scratchy. Steven began to cry and Greg said "well, looks like we're going back now anyway" he sighed, rubbing stevens back gently.

You stormed back ahead of the van, furiously wiping the tears off your face. Rose was gone, you had to help Steven. What had the other gems done? Oh right, act like children and try to get Rose back. This is what Rose wanted. Couldn't they see that?

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