Chappie 21!

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She didn't deserve this (well maybe she did) but, she was fixing up!

You didn't bother wiping the tears from your face, everytime you closed her eyes you saw the bittersweet moment of her grinning while crashing into the light beam. You stood up shakily, the shard of Jaspers remains in your hand. She had found her purpose, you had to hold onto that.

The gems all stood in shock, taking in what Jasper had done for you, for them, for Steven. Steven suddenly cried out "no! How could we have-? How did this happen?" Steven sobbed, Garnet holding him close.
"Its okay Steven, she-she's gone but she died happy. I saw her grin." You said, leaving out that Jasper had been crying too.

Amethyst was in shock, Pearl was shaking her.
"Amethyst? Ame? Talk to me! Please!" Pearl pleaded, holding Amethysts shoulders. Amethyst had never seen a gem shattered in front of her eyes. She had thought of everyone as a constant, now she had realised that people really could die.

"We should head back, regroup. We need to make a plan, Jasper won't be there next time." You said, shaking all the gems back into reality. Garnet carried Steven back, it was such a shock to the young boy. You were aware of the tears on your face but you didn't feel anything yet. You knew you were probably just running on adrenaline, and should expect a breakdown soon. But not in front of everyone else.

You all got back to the temple, you made tea for Steven, it calmed the earthlings. You sat down on the sofa with a sigh, Garnet was still holding her arm around Steven, Pearl was whispering things into Amethysts ear, you hadn't realised that Amethyst and Jasper had a history, maybe not romantic but still significant. Almost sister-like rivalry, you guessed.

Oh god. Jasper, what was she thinking? You realised you hadn't put down the shard in your hand, you held it since you picked it up. It was now night, quiet. A time for thinking, which was not good.
Jasper was gone.
She had died to protect you.
You weren't worth the effort, you told yourself.

You stood up and exited the room. You found yourself at the heart of the temple, gems floating all around. Jasper, was deserving of more. Your hand clenched around the shard, as if, if you squeezed it hard enough Jasper would realise how silly she's being. But you knew Jasper wasn't returning.

The tears went down your face again, you knew you looked like a right mess. This was all your fault. If you had deflected the beam, if you had left some of your strength, if you had done something more. Jasper might've had a healthier way to prove herself good. You wished you had died instead of her.

"(G/N)." You heard a stern voice call out, you realised you were on your knees, staring at Jaspers shard as you sobbed.
"(G/n)," she repeated, walking over to you. You looked away from her and held the shard to your chest, she can't take Jasper away.
"It isn't your fault." Garnet said.
"My actions led to this, Garnet." You said, throwing the shard angrily on the floor. Garnet flinched but stayed.
"No, Blue Diamond shot her." Garnet said blankly.
"And i could've done something!" You yelled, looking at the ground. You didn't want to thrash out at Garnet, but you couldn't help it.
"(G/n), i know you are very distressed right now, so i will not take this personally. (G/n), you didn't kill Jasper. You didn't make her choice. You didn't even chose to be alive, you can't blame yourself for this!" She yelled.

"Well, maybe if i do it will make it easier." You said, folding in on yourself.
"(G/n) no! That will destroy you! You cannot do that to yourself!" She yelled.
"Maybe i want to!" You screamed back, the tears falling rapidly from both yours and Garnets eyes.
"Well, i don't want you to." Garnet said "just like how you didn't want Jasper to-"
"Don't say it." You interrupted. "Don't say it." You repeated, you had crumbled. You sat on the floor, your head between your knees.
"Jasper you clod." You sobbed, Garnet was immediately at your side. She put her arm around you, like Steven. Like you were a child.
"I'm not a kid." You said, shying away.
"You're acting like it, i know you need a hug." Garnet said, you sighed and gave in.

When you walked back into the main room Pearl was the first one to see you. Your tear stained face was obviously concerning.
"(G-G/N)?" Pearl yelled, running over to you. She hugged you tightly.
"Are you okay?" Pearl whispered.
"I will be" you replied in her ear. She nodded and pulled away, she left a hand on your arm. "We love you, you know?" She said, grinning.
"Yeah, i love you guys too." You said, smiling back weakly.

You made eye contact with Amethyst, you both immediately rushed to eachother. You hugged the small gem tight, stroking her hair gently. She held onto you for dear life while you both sobbed lightly, you pulled away and laughed a little, despite the situation. You ruffled her hair and turned to Steven. You saw Ranger guy sitting on the bench. You grabbed him and walked to Steven, who was hiding his face in a pillow.
"Steven..." you said gently, he looked up. You showed him Ranger guy. He grabbed it and then wailed
"(G/nnnn)!! Thank you!!" He said, hugging you even tighter than Amethyst.
"I-It's okay." You said, gingerly hugging him back.

You all refreshed yourselves, sleeping, eating, cleaning and drinking. You gathered at the dinner table, Lapis and Peridot back. You rested your hands on the bench.
"We need a game plan."

What?? Another update? Already?! Ahahaha yes! I hope you like this! Bit of a filler but we're getting to the end soon!!! Two or three more chapters left :,(
Thank you for reading, voting, commenting!

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