Chappie 2!

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"I am a level 15 Jasper, if you do not follow my instructions i will shatter your gem." She said menacingly. You squirmed and saluted her.
"Good." She simply replied. She took you into one of the rooms
(abuse trigger warning!! Skip to the bold and underlined writing if this affects you at all!!! Please!!)
You saw row upon row of strange tools lined up against the wall. You wondered what kind of 'testing' this would entail.
"Lay down on the table." You did as you were told. Jasper strapped your arms and legs and waist to the table. She walked over the wall, the room was white and clean. The table and all its straps white.
"This will hurt, i apologise for doing this but i'm following my orders." Jasper had a strange wand like tool with a sphere of electric energy in the middle. She gently poked you with it and you hissed as it stung. She then plunged it into your stomach and you screamed in agony. After what felt like a lifetime she pulled it out.
"Thats, amazing! The de-stabilizer had no effect!" She exclaimed. She tried tool after tool and was amazed time and time again as the tools had no affect on you. You gasped, exhausted and aching after all this testing.
"Well, i'm going to poof you through brute force so you can regenerate and begin your skills testing. She gripped her huge hands around your waist and squeezed.

TRIGGER OVER, a quick summary is that normal de-stabilizers and the like do not poof you, but still cause extreme pain.

You must have poofed because, Then there was darkness.

You reformed, your body felt better but your head was still traumatised. Jasper walked towards you and you were shaking.
"Stop shaking that parts over, i won't have to harm you again." She casually mentioned. As if your pain didn't matter now.

"Now, we are going to test your abilities." She started, standing with a hand on her hip. "First, we are going to test your building skills." She handed you some materials and you looked at them blankly. An idea formed in your head, you quickly constructed a small spiral staircase, but it was only the size of your foot in total.
"Not a builder" Jasper stated. She kicked away the stairs and handed you paper with writing on them. You read them aloud quickly, somehow understanding the languages. "A good interpreter or translator. Nothing special." She tested you in various skills and then finally came up fighting.
"I'm going to battle you and we'll see how ya go" she said. She made a helmet form on her head and charged at you. Panicking you didn't know what to do. Suddenly jasper banged against... nothing... and fell to the floor.
"W-What?" She screamed. She charged at you again and it happened again. She stopped and tried throwing her helmet at you. It was about to hit you when it turned and went back towards Jasper.

"You're a brute!" She said, catching her helmet roughly. "I think you can control the air!" She said.
"Jasper," you began
"You may speak" she said
"Do you mind if i try something on you?" You asked. She nodded cautiously. Concentrating you lifted Jasper in the air.
"PUT ME DOWN" she yelled. You instantly dropped her.
"That was pretty good for a new kid." She said collecting herself.
"I'm going to report this directly to Pink Diamond." She said as she left the room. You stayed there, completely unsure of what to do. A slim an graceful fair skinned lady with short orange hair walked in. While she appeared out of place what stood out most to you was the star on her chest.
She glared at you and charged.
"Are you here to train me?" You asked as you subconsciously built up an air wall around you.
"No! I am a part of Rose Quartz's Rebellion! How dare you!" She exclaimed as she tried to get through your wall.
"W-What? Rebellion? Against who?" You asked. A look of realisation dawned on her face.
"Ah- just testing you, of course! Now as a test i need you to follow me and do as i say!" She said.
"Okay" you said, saluting her.
"Just do what your told" was the mantra you repeated in your head. She pulled you out the room and down random corridors. She pointed at a small room. "Theres an object in there i need you to retrieve, as a test" she said. "Just open the door and get it." She said, while hastily looking over her shoulders. "I haven't been scanned yet" you explained.
"Just use your abilities to force your way in." She said, getting impatient. You used the air to force the door open. The door shuddered then moaned open, Inside was a large pink sword.

She ran in and grabbed it. "Now your test is to only do as i say, okay? We want to see if you can ignore others well enough" she grabbed your wrist and sprinted with you. The instruction was weird and unclear but you followed it anyway. You ran through a room of blue, grey and black coloured gems. They all gasped and sprinted, following you. She picked you up and ran even faster. She stepped into a small room with a big circle crystal. She had an angry expression as she stood on it, still holding you. Suddenly everything was light blue and you were floating. You squeaked.

"Shut it please" she said as she let you go and rubbed her forehead. You gasped and started panicking. What was going on? Would you die?Suddenly you landed back on the circle thing, but you looked around and there was water, tonnes and tonnes of water. There were other big circles around you, like the one you were standing on.
"Wh-what?" You asked, your eyes wide and you crouching on the floor.
"It's just a warp pad, now we need to go through it again to get to Rose Quartz!" She said. She dragged you onto another one. And you squeezed your eyes shut. Unsure if you could handle another 'warp pad'.

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