Chappie 20!

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Just so you know, sadly, we are heading towards the end of this fanfiction! Still a couple chapters left but, i have to finish this off somewhere!! Also.... the ending of this book may take a little bit of time.... i tried to finish this before school came back around but instead i poorly timed it so the ending would be delayed... whoops. Anyway, thanks for reading and sticking this far with me!!

"I-I don't really live anywhere though." You said, you had stayed in the temple, with Greg. You didn't have your own space.
"I'll live with them." Jasper said, suddenly by your side. Confused at her sudden change of attitude, Steven just raised an eyebrow "good..." he said.
"Where will we stay then?" You asked, cogs turning in your head.

You look around for inspiration, theres a barn, a forest... no.... you look back at the barn. Then you see a light bulb hanging from it... the lighthouse? You entertain the idea for a while, but then realise that humans still go there and how cramped it would be. Humming you suddenly remember, the temple had a lot of hidden place, secret passage ways. Like Sardonyx's room. You remember when Sardonyx invited you in for an interview, you shuddered at the memory. That particular endeavour had not ended well.

"U-um, aren't there a lot of hidden rooms in the temple?" You suggested.
"Yeah, but the problem is that they're hidden..." Steven said, smiling shyly.
"Well, we don't sleep. We can look." Jasper interjected.
"R-Really?" You asked, eyeing her like she was crazy, you rather enjoyed sleep.

"Yes?" Jasper replied, non entirely confident why you were asking if she was serious.
"O-okay" you said, sighing, sleep will have to wait then.
"Well, we should tell the gems everything thats going on before you start rampaging through the castle" Steven said, he was fairly aware of everything for a boy of 14, you thought to yourself.

You headed to the temple, Steven walking ahead purposefully and Jasper clinging to you from behind (da booty). "I wonder how they will take the news that your one of us now Jasper" you asked, you still felt scared of the gem, after the abuse. But you couldn't help but be sympathetic, she had somehow changed a little, saving you. Joining the crystal rebellion. Her strong and powerful aura was somewhat missing, followed by a more solemn feeling. Maybe it was the five stages of grief? You noticed her energy and enthusiasm had disappeared. You knew that being corrupted must be awful. But surely it couldn't break Jasper? Surely it couldn't take her fighting spirit away. You sighed and you three had made it to the temple.

It was eerily quiet inside, the sunlight even felt still, tense.
"Garnet? Amethyst? Pearl?" You heard Steven call out, strangely, there was no response. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck prick, you let your eyes skitter across the room. No note had been left.
"I think something is-" you began to call out, but were interrupted by a large earthquake, shaking the temple.
"Wrong" you finished, steadying yourself.

You three ran outside to assess the damage, it wasn't an earthquake. It was much scarier than an Earthquake. A giant, blue, hand shaped ship was pointing at the temple. Stevens eyes were pooling rapidly with tears.

Blue Diamond.

You immediately got into action, focusing on the air particles you tried to push the ship away, sadly it seemed your powers weren't that strong. Jasper summoned her helmet, steven his shield. You reached into your gem and pulled out your weapon, wielding it with a menace, preparing to protect Steven at all costs.

You saw the gems not far along the beach, also staring towards the giant hand. You three rushed over to them, quickly joined by Lapis and Peridot. Steven stepped forward, holding his shield high. A sad, yet fear invoking, voice boomed into the air.
"Surrender now Rose Quartz." She said softly, but you could hear the power rippling in her words. Stevens shield faltered, he felt nothing towards blue diamond, but his gems instincts still existed.
"Surrender, now." Blue Diamonds voice commanded, Stevens shield dropped. You ran in front of Steven as you saw the ships finger beginning to glow.
"No!" You shouted, not Steven! Not like this! The hand shot a large beam, with all your strength you used the air and brute force to bash the light away. It zoomed across the ocean, spurring waves in it's wake. You felt your energy gone, you fell to your knees, barely able to lift a finger. All the gems stood in front of you, the finger was glowing again.

Peridot was shaking, clinging to a tear streaked Lapis. Steven still couldn't summon his shield, his face was panicked, Garnet looked brave. Amethyst was frowning, thinking. The gears in her head were spinning. What could she do? Pearl however, you could see Pearl had given up, she stood weakly in front of Steven, a last minute attempt at saving what was left of Rose quartz.

You looked up to the hand, it was almost beautiful, the way it hung in the sky. It's elegant, bright finger pointing gently at you, as if it had chosen you. No one had really ever chosen you before. It was a dark thought but, If this was how you died, to such a wonderful sight, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much. It was at that moment you realised you too, like Pearl, had given up.

You glanced over at Jasper. She caught your gaze and you saw her eyes light up in fire. She had not given up.

She had found her spirit again.

You saw it wasn't only the colour that had come back to her intense yellow eyes, but there were also tears brimming. Jasper stepped forward, shouting "FOR PINK DIAMOND!"
She jumped in front of you, her helmet bent towards the beam of light that raced towards you at lightening speed. Jaspers jump turned into a spin dash, she collided into the beam with a huge crash. You saw her grin as she smashed into the beam, her tears stranded in the air for a second, before everything was absorbed in a brilliant white light. The beam was sent back to the ship, the finger fell off. You looked for Jasper, were was she?

An orange glint caught your eye, you crawled weakly over to it as the hand retreated, it would be back. You picked it up and realised, Jasper.

Jasper was gone.
She had chosen to save you.

AHHH IM SOO SORRY THIS IS SO SAD!!!  Also sorry for this update taking FOREVER!! School came back today, i've been very busy and tired ahaha! I couldn't think of anywhere for this to go until today but Anyway, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I love Jasper why did i do that...


Anyway!! Thank you for reading! I will update soon! Hopefully... no promises ahaha

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