Chappie 15!

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You went into the house and out of the cold. For the first time since Stevens birth you let yourself grieve. Rose was such an important figure in your life. It's sad to know she isn't coming back. But this is what Rose wanted. You sighed and stood up, cracking your back. You washed your face clear of the snow and tears.

Walking over to the couch you sighed and sat down. You heard the rumbling of the Van and decided you didn't want to talk to anyone right now, so you pretended to sleep. Amethyst ran into the room and slammed the door open "(G/N)?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" You didn't move "oh- ah, sorry" she whispered backing out the room. You could hear the other gems "are they alright?" Pearl asked.
"Yeah they're sleeping on the couch." Amethyst whispered.
"Sure they are" Garnet said, doubt in her voice. "Anyway, lets go and let Greg and Steven rest, i'm sure (g/n) needs it too." She said. You heard their footsteps leave and Greg enter the room. "I know you aren't asleep (G/N)" he said.
"Yeah, but i want to be" you replied.
"Oh alright, you take 5" he said, the microwave humming with milk for Steven.
"Thanks Greg" you said, actually trying to sleep now. You lied down on the couch and finally let yourself rest.

"(G/n)? (G/n)~ look at me" someone whispered. You tilted your head up. "Thats a good little gem. Now, can you tell me where Rose is?" The voice asked
"No" you said, confused
"Tell me, where is Rose?" The voice asked again, calm.
"No!" You retorted.
"TELL ME WHERE ROSE IS (G/N)" the big silhouette demanded.
"NO!" You shouted, backing away. The silhouette stepped out into the light "tell me now! You worthless, pathetic excuse for a gem!" It was Yellow Diamond.
"I'll never tell you anything!" You shouted.

You woke up in a cold sweat. You realised you had screamed as you woke up. "(G/n)? Are you okay?" Greg asked, soothing a crying Steven.
"Y-yeah, sorry, bad dream" you said, trying to calm your trembling limbs.
"What happened?" Greg asked
"Y-Yellow diamond- nothing important" you said, although, you had an inkling it was more than a dream, an actual connection perhaps?

"Just a dream, huh" Greg said, smiling slightly. "Let me fix you up some tea or something. Hot drinks are good for bad dreams" Greg said, going to the kitchen. You sighed and mumbled a thanks as you plopped down on the couch. What would Yellow Diamond want with Rose? Well, she was the leader of the rebellion, duh. But why now? Why not sooner?

Greg came back into the living room, two cups of tea in either hand. He handed you one and sat down next to you. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked
You grunted childishly and sipped on your tea, it was nice. "Thanks for the tea" you said, sipping it.
"No problem, after all you've done for Steven and I, it's the least i can do." He said, turning on the tv. Little Butler came on "oh yes!" Greg said as you groaned and rubbed your temples, this infernal show was going to kill you. Garnet suddenly walked in, followed by a confused Pearl and a puffing amethyst, "hey little butler!" Amethyst said, sitting next to Greg.
"Why did you come here so quick Garnet?" Pearl asked, suddenly the TV went static. A slight buzzing noise was heard, it changed to a distorted voice and the image was clearing up.
"Rose Quartz, your Earth is going to die. Surrender now. Rose Quartz, your Earth is going to die. Surrender now. Rose Quartz-" it was a recording of Yellow diamond, telling the same message over and over again. "Thats why i came here" Garnet said, gesturing to you, who was shaking violently. There was no way that it was just a dream. Yellow Diamond got inside your head.
"Help me" you said, facing the crystal gems. You had never been so afraid in your life.

Garnet walked over to you quickly, pulling you into a hug. She shrugged you so you were sitting on her lap. She rest your head in the crook of her neck and you did nothing. Garnet was, never this open. You took the opportunity though, and hugged her tight. You hoped the tears wouldn't escape.
"G-Garnet, they- Yellow diamond, she got in my head. W-What if they take control?" You asked, echoes of the dream and the message on the TV bouncing around in your head.

"They won't" Garnet assured you.
"How do you know?" You asked.
"I can see the future (g/n), i know everything." She said, a slight smile cracking on her lips. You smiled back and stood up, straightening out your uniform. "S-Sorry about that everyone" you said, now extremely embarrassed from your reaction, which was an entirely reasonable reaction.

"What do you mean Yellow Diamond was in your head?" Pearl asked, hands on her hips.
"I had a dream of sorts. Yellow Diamond was asking me where Rose Quartz was. Over and over, she started of gentle enough but then, then she started yelling. Then i woke up, Greg got tea and the TV did that." You said, gesturing to the tele, still playing the message.

"Oh, well, what do you think she means?" Pearl asked.
"I haven't got a clue." You said. You felt a slight buzzing at the back of your head, much like the TV. You ignored it, shaking your head. You decided to go and check on little baby steven in his cot. The buzzing got louder, then it turned into a lullaby. "Please listen carefully" the voice sung gently "don't miss a word, your actions are stronger than any sword. So let us take over, you don't need to fight anymore~"

Your vision started going black, no more responsibility sounded so good. You succumbed to the voice. You slipped into your unconscious "let us take over, we will give this war closure" it hummed. You were now, outside your body. Floating but not really existing. You saw a transparent parasite on your back, spiritual of some sort. Panic filled you, you looked at yourself. Now and outsider. You saw Your eyes were white, pupils rolled back. Your bodies arms raised, baby Steven was sleeping peacefully in his cot. Yellow diamond had taken your body and now, Steven was going to die.

SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!! Ugh i'm terrible but this was hard to write!!! I didn't really know what to do... anyway! I hope you like it! Thanks for being so patient!!

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