Chappie 22! Finale Part 1/2

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"This time around Jasper won't be there to save us." Garnet stated simply, making the atmosphere tense.
"I-I think..." Connie, who has recently arrived, mumbled.
"What is it?" You asked, making her fidgety and look away.
"I think we should all fuse!" Connie bursted with determination.
"It's a great idea!" Steven agreed, nodding enthusiastically. The more you thought about it, the more you worried. Would you be stable in a fusion?

"Well, if we are going to fuse, we need to practice. We need to see if this will work." Garnet said, adjusting her visor, not that you had ever seen it fall off. You cleared your throat and spoke up.
"I-i shouldn't fuse with you. I'm a fusion, an experiment, we don't know how stable i'll be in a large fusion." You said, Garnet nodding knowingly.
"Of course" Pearl said, as if she had forgotten you were a fusion, she probably had.
"Aww! Come on! You can do it (g/n)!" Amethyst encouraged.
"No, i shouldn't." You said, knowing that you could jeopardise the team.
"If they don't want to, they don't have to." Garnet said, putting a hand on Amethysts head.

You were all outside in a rather, familiar place. You were there as crowd control, or to make sure this fusion didn't go haywire. You weren't sure how much you could exactly do against a fusion of... eight! Lapis, Peridot, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, Connie AND Steven.

Connie and Steven formed first, giddy but serious.
"Hey guys!" Stevonnie called out.
"Hey Stevonnie!" Amethyst shouted back, while Garnet grinned and Pearl was... meditating? Well, she was going to be fused with many gems, and a human and half human.

Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl all fused into the huge Alexandrite. They had all decided it would be easiest if they started with fusions they knew, then moved on to fuse with eachother.
"Stevonnie." Alexandrite acknowledged her, holding her hand out. As Alexandrite and Stevonnie fused, Lapis and Peridot fused in the background.
A giant, dark coloured gem stood where Stevonnie and Alexandrite where, while a green and blue fusion admired the large fusion. Without a word they faced eachother and the large fusion picked up the small lapidot fusion. They were about to fuse when a large bang shook them apart, the larger fusion falling onto the temple with an "oompf!".
"Don't unfuse" you heard the large fusion say, probably Garnet.
"We can do this guys!" The large fusion shouted, getting to their feet. They picked up the Lapidot fusion and just as you saw the large blue arm coming over the horizon, the two fused into a large... mess. It was not graceful, a many armed, many legged and one eyed fusion stood up. Colours splattered everywhere. They were almost beautiful in a large, disturbing sort of way. The fusion faced the large arm, summoning an arrow. The arrow was surrounded in water and fire, made of metal. The fusion summoned four more arrows like this and demandingly flung their arms foward, shooting the four huge weapons towards the ship. They were about to hit when a large blue bubble formed, the arrows crumpled and fell into the sea without making a mark. You watched on with horror as the ship advanced. The fusion stood their ground, their long hair billowing back in the wind.

The fusion summoned gauntlets, chains and fused them together, Sugalite style. They slammed one of the gauntlets down on the  bubble, not making a scratch. Water suddenly pulled up out of the air and surrounded the large bubble. Then it froze. You realised the ground around you was burning. Ruby must be furious, you chuckled. Suddenly there was a crack in the ice and the large hand freed itself from the glacier.

The fusion looked defeated for a moment, before summoning pearls swords. They were about to shoot when the fusion wavered, they were coming undone.
"Keep it together! For Earth!" The fusion screamed, pulling themself together. Their many arms summoned various weapons and launched them towards the protected hand. The bubble was breaking.
"Guys! Its a diamond bubble!" You yelled, realising the huge size of the bubble, the strength was extraordinary too.
The fusion heard what you said and looked even more determined than before. "Our will to save the planet is stronger than any bubble." They said, angrily. The fusion turned on you, and you felt your insides squirm.

Oh no.

You sprinted away from the gem "we are NOT WEAK!" The fusion shouted.
"I KNOW! BUT THE SHIP-" you yelled back, as the fusion slammed a gauntlet down on you. Where did you go wrong? You groaned and kept running. You shouldn't have said anything. The ship was nearly overhead now, you felt your hopes die. Your friends were going to kill you and then be killed by homeworld. You remembered your life before your fusion. You remembered all the times you had with the gems and all the things you never got to say. Like how smart Ruby is, how strong Sapphire is. How well Pearl has been doing lately, how much Amethyst has improved. How much Lapis and Peridot meant to the team, how much Connie and Steven had grown. Suddenly you felt something in you stir, fury.

"How DARE YOU INSULT US!" The fusion shouted, there was no reasoning now. You had a plan. The fusion swung at you and you jumped, letting the air carry you further. You nearly reached the large ship, but feel back down. You needed higher ground. The fusion slammed a gauntlet dangerously close to you. You ran towards them.
"What're you doing?" The fusion screeched, trying to kick you off. You ignored them and crawled up their leg, you wove your way around their torso, getting higher. They were swatting at you, trying to knock you off. You kept climbing and soon found yourself on their shoulder. You jumped and landed on the large bubble. The fusion, angered beyond comprehension swung at you one more time. You jumped off the gauntlet landed with a satisfying "CRACK!" As the bubble fell apart.

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