Chappie 6!

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"I think you used to be two gems"

"But- But i was only- only made yesterday?! I can't have, i can't have been two... two gems" you said, you denied it with every fibre of your being even though you knew it was true. How else would you have known what grass and trees were, how come you remembered Bismuth, it explained why you saw Jasper.

"I-i can't" you sobbed. "T-two no!" You argued with yourself.
"I'm not two people- yes i am!, i can't be!- ACCEPT IT!" You shouted.
"I-we are- we are, used to be two gems, so why- why do we only have one gem?" You said, studying your gem.

Pearl walked over "do you mind if we look at your gem?" Pearl asked. "N-no not at all" you said as you exposed your (g/p) (if your gem is on your ass, congratulations you mADE MY FANFIC A MEME). The gems all came over, "well, your gem is abnormally large..." Bismuth observed.
"Look, a swirl pattern" Pearl whispered. Rose gasped.

"I-I know what happened, how this happened" Rose said, shock evident in her voice.
"What?" You asked.
"They- homeworld, must've melted down your gems, mixed them and created one gem" Rose explained. You felt blank. How- how did you not remember this? Why did they do this?

"Why? Who cares why! We need to fix this! I don't see the problem- We're taking the lives of other gems! We arent supposed to exist. They are! And because we cant unfuse their stuck!" You argued with yourself. The gems all stared at you in shock.
"S-sorry, i'm- we're disorientated right now- very- yes yes i know" you said to the gems and yourself.
"I- we will need some time to collect ourself." You said as you walked out of the room and into the unknown depths of the temple.

You stormed down the hall, not stopping until you found an empty place. You eventually came outside to a large green hill. You stopped, walked outside and sat down.
"What should we do?" You asked
"Unfuse obviously, we can't be selfish" you replied
"B-But what about us? Am i just nothing?!" You asked
"Of course not" Garnet said. Shocked to see her you turned around "g-garnet? What are you doing here?" You asked.
"Well, fusion is weird to me too, so i thought i'd come and talk with you." She said.
"So, what am i then? If i'm not a person, and im not nothing, what am i?" You asked.

"I don't know to tell you the truth" she said
"Well, i guess i'm just a moment then, an experience" you said as you gazed up at the sky. You felt as though you missed earth, the gems on it and the natural beauty. You felt, confused, but at home.

"I don't think i'll ever be able to- to unfuse but, its the only way for them to live, through me" you reasoned. You lay down on the grass and close eyes. Jasper is there when you shut them, but you ignore it. Jasper was a moment, an experience, nothing more- nothing less.

You opened your eyes and realised Garnet was gone and a lot of time had passed. You must've slept. You went back to the temple and looked for Bismuth, you needed to figure out how you knew her, what a part of you was to her. You scoured the temple and eventually found her sitting, sharpening a large axe.

"B-Bismuth," you said quietly. She looked at you at smiled, standing she said "(n/n)!" Confused you asked "what?"
"Your nickname! I made it up, pretty good right?" She boasted.
"Yeah ahaha" you laughed "look, Bismuth, the thing is i remember you, but i don't? And i want to know how i knew you so maybe i could find out about the people inside me." You finished.

"Well, how do you think you felt about me?" She asked
"I think, i think really strong and good feelings, like we were close friends or something... or maybe not but you were special to me." You rambled. Bismuth's face morphed into an expression of shock,
"Emerald? Are you in there? Emerald?!" She panicked, picked you up and you used the air to push her away "what? Bismuth, what are you doing?!" You asked, angry.
"E-EMERALD, IS THAT YOU?" She asked, crying.
"I DON'T KNOW!" You boomed, dropping Bismuth on the ground.
"(G/n), i'm so sorry, i just thought-"
"Save it." You said. "Save it for later Bismuth. I don't want to hear it now, who was Emerald?" You demanded.

"Emerald was my best friend, she was my partner, my everything. We loved eachother, you know? I loved her so much and - and home world took her away." She added darkly. Suddenly a flash of memories burst through your mind.

Holding hands.



Watching from afar, as Bismuth fell in love with Emerald.

You were cast aside.

Not noticed.

Not needed.

Emerald had Bismuth.

How cruel.

You hadn't realised you were crying until you heard "Emerald, Emerald is that you? Why are you crying?" She asked.
"I'm-she's, we're not emerald." You said bitterly, thinking you could've lied.
"Oh." Bismuth said.
"'Oh' is right" you replied.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"You didn't care about her, you just forgot about her!" You yelled.
"She loved you and you ignored her, how could you ignore her Bismuth" you sobbed
"She loved you so much yet you never even gave her a second look" you cried.

"Who are you?" Bismuth asked.
"A part of me is Benetoite. The one you only cared for as a friend" you said.
"Benetoite?! You're alive! You're okay!" Bismuth hugged you, you were so surprised, then furious
"THIS IS OKAY TO YOU?" You yelled. You werent okay, you were far from okay. The air whipped around you and Bismuth let go, fear in her eyes
"Please benetoite, calm down!" She pleaded.
"I'm not Bentoite! I'm not Emerald! I'm (g/n)" you broke down onto the floor, the air stopping completely still, even dust particles were unmoving.

"(G/n), i'm sorry" Bismuth said. You looked up, stood up, ran over and hugged her with all your might as you sobbed your to your hearts content.

"I want to help."

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