Chappie 12!

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You left the heart of the temple, deciding it was for the best that you found Rose. You needed to find her, Garnet, Pearl and Bismuth. You started running, you ran through a strange room with waterfalls, one with heaps of Garbage everywhere. Where was everyone?
You saw a door, with gem like shapes on it. It looked like your friends gems, plus an amethyst?

You went through the door, there was a cave. You called out "Rose? Pearl? Garnet? Bismuth? Anyone?" Suddenly you heard a large crashing sound, a small figure rounded the corner and was bearing a blue spear. Pearl.
"Pearl!" You shouted, she looked different.

"(G/N)?" She squeaked
"Yeah?" You responded
"Y-You're okay!" She said, tears spilling at the edges of her eyes.
"O-of course we're okay" you said, confused. She ran up to you and almost strangled you with a hug. You looked over her shoulder and saw a tiny purple amethyst, she was so cute!

"An Amethyst?" You asked, confused.
"Ah yes, (g/n) meet Amethyst, the latest addition to the crystal gems. Amethyst, meet an old friend of mine, (G/N)." She said proudly, keeping her arm around your shoulder
"Woah!" Amethyst shouted "a new one?" She asked
"No, Amethyst, this is a very old crystal gem. They had gone through some trouble..." Pearl trailed off.
"Pearl, how long have i been out?" You asked
"A while" she said
"How. Long." You enforced
"4-5..." she said
"Days?" You asked
"4-5 hundred years." Pearl said sadly.
"W-whose left?" You asked
"Myself, Garnet, Rose and little Amethyst here." She said
"Bismuth?" You asked
"S-shattered, we believe." Pearl said. The tears fell silently down your face, you held onto Pearls shoulder to steady yourself.

"So, Rose, she's still okay?" You asked
"For the time being" Pearl said angrily
"Can we go and see her?" You ask, wiping your face dry with your arm.
"Yeah we can!" Amethyst shouted, grabbing your hand and dragging you along. You ran to keep up and you saw Pearl close behind.

You came up to a white building that said 'car wash'. You had no clue what a car was, but it seemed humanity had evolved since you last appeared here. You went into the little car wash and through some corridors. Eventually you saw Rose standing, inspecting a small fluffy object, her belly swollen.

"Rose?" You croaked out
"(G/N)?" She asked. You nodded and hugged her gently.
"Are you okay?" You both said at the same time, then laughed.
"Yeah, i'm fine" you said "but whats wrong with you?" You asked, pointing at her abnormally large stomach.

"Theres nothing wrong" she giggled "i'm going to have a child. A human child, with Greg." She gestured to a rather tired looking human on a couch. You felt sorry for him, Rose could be  a handful.
"A-A child?" You said, remembering Garnets vision, you panicked.

"Ssh it's okay (g/n)." She said, rubbing your shoulders.
"N-no its not! I know whats going to happen Rose!" You said, she looked at you almost pitifully. You hugged her, Pearl and Amethyst looked confused, Garnet must not have told them. You sighed and stepped away from her
"Where's Garnet?" You asked. Rose was about to answer when the human spoke up "now wait a minute! Who are you and how do you know Rose?" He asked, angry.
"I have known her way longer than most of you." You said, thinking back to when you weren't a weird fusion experiment.

"So? You haven't been around for years and now you suddenly pop up?" He asked
"Sorry, i was recovering from an illness." You explained. He didn't seem satisfied but didn't press any further
"My name is Greg." He said, holding his hand outstretched to you.
"I'm (G/N)." You said, not knowing what to do with his hand
"Sorry, i've been 'out of commission' for 4-5 hundred years so i dont know earth culture." You said, hoping not to anger Roses significant other any further.

"Oh, sorry" he said, "just shake my hand with your hand" he explained. You stuck your hand out and held his hand, he moved your hands up and down a couple times and then let go "that shows that i trust you, or respect you. Depends on the situation, in this one it's a bit of both." He explained.
"Thankyou Greg" you said. "But i need to see Garnet now, where is she?" As if on cue Garnet walked through the door. "Hello everybody, i got rid of the infestation-" she saw you and froze
"(G/N)?" She asked "wha- i didn't see any possible future where you came back!" She said, dropping a gem that was in her hand, suddenly there was a large cloud of smoke and you and Pearl dived in front of Rose and Greg. You grabbed Greg as Pearl grabbed Rose and put them outside "go!" You shouted. Rose looked uncertain but then Greg started to pull her away. You ran back inside and started battling a monster, a giant snake like creature filled the room. Garnet grabbed the beast around it's neck and squeezed, poofing it onto the floor.

"Uh, w-was that the same as i was?" You asked, meaning turning into a monster.
"Y-Yes, hundreds of other crystal gems got... corrupted. They've turned into monsters and they now roam the earth, looking for their sanity i suppose." Pearl said sadly. "We've been capturing them, putting them away until we find a way to cure them." She explained
"S-so, that's what happened at that battle?" You asked.
"Y-Yes" Pearl nodded.

You mulled over this thought, but remembered Rose and looked up at Garnet.
"Can we speak outside, alone?" You asked her.
"Of course" she responded, taking you and leaving the other two behind. You were outside and you popped the big question.
"What's going to happen to Rose?" You asked.
"She is going to give up her physical form for a human/gem child hybrid." She responded.
"So it's all happening huh" you said, fiddling with your hands
"I'm sorry i wasn't here to help you out with this." You apologised.

After a long silence Garnet asked
"So how did you get better? We've tried everything." Garnet said, looking tired. "I think it's because i'm a fusion, s-so my gem in stronger." You said, lying as you really had no clue why you were better.

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