Two - Found

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Dresden is not himself lately.

Dreams of sexual pleasures fill his mind and taunt him late at night, forcing him to toss and turn and wake up craving something that's unquenchable. His own experiences always gives him a rush but these unrealistic dreams fill him with something more powerful and he hates it. He wakes up too quickly, irritated and agitated with no real way to relieve himself. He's never satisfied with any of the she-wolves he calls to bed and it's building up into a new level of anger, even for him.

It's always the same dream. A woman with a perfectly curvy waist joins his bed. She's not too thin and she's not obese. She's got meat on her bones, muscle that accentuates her wide hips, thin waist and luscious breasts. Her scent is intoxicating and is so real, he sometimes wakes up inhaling it as if she had been there. Her skin is soft and creamy, not quiet porcelain but not yet tan either. He yearns to touch her every second, to be near her at all times. His thirst is undeniable and there isn't a she-wolf in sight that can compare to what he craves.

He hates mating season with every fiber of his being. He enjoys the constant access to sex. That part is always perfect. He never had an issue with the season before. Growing up, mating season was his personally favorite time of the year and he's sure that whoever partnered with him for a night is equally as satisfied. This year is different though. This year, he has urges sent through his body that he can't control. He has yearnings for some woman he's never met before and he knows she's his mate. She has to be to be that good. He hasn't even fucked her properly and already, he's falling on his knees to have a taste.

She's close, extremely close. Yet, he can't find her. He can't stand how much he wants her. He doesn't even know what she really looks like and yet, he's going insane. His wolf isn't happy. He's just as irritable as ever only ten times as worse and that means his entire pack is tense.

How dare she hide from him at such an important time! How can some unknown person affect him this much without even showing herself?

"Only four more weeks," He mumbles to himself, remembering that he just needs to hold off for a little longer.

"Who pissed you off this time?"

Jack falls onto the couch next to Dresden. Completely mellow and gregarious, he leans back against the cushions of the couch and snacks on a handful of chips. He's lanky and robust, strong enough to keep his title as beta and Dresden always thought he could ease his way into any scheme, good or bad. The one annoying thing about him though is that he always appears whenever Dresden is in a bad mood and he always appears with teasing and jokes at hand like he was entirely unafraid of his own Alpha.

It irritates Dresden.

"No one." He grumbles, glaring at the television screen in front of him. Jack continues to stare at him, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"She's closer, isn't she?"

Dresden growls but Jack merely smirks. He likes his Alpha. He knows his Alpha well enough to know how to stay on his good side and still be able to push his buttons. He knows everything his Alpha is capable of and enjoys being his beta. He enjoys the perks. He enjoys getting what he could. He enjoys the attention and the responsibility and respect. He likes his position naturally. But his favorite part of being beta to Dresden is annoying his Alpha and Jack does it well.

"She'll show up."

"I'll kick your ass if you keep talking about that bitch."

Jack chuckles. He knows mating season is practically killing Dresden this year, especially after the way he's devoured she-wolf after she-wolf. It's not like Dresden to go through so many so quickly, even if it's that time of the year and Jack knew instantly that his mate is coming soon. If there's one thing he knows about Dresden, he hates being controlled. He hates being unable to control things and with his mate so close, Dresden's inner wolf isn't letting him rest or resist until he finds and marks what's his. It's driving his Alpha dangerously crazy and Jack makes a mental note to warn everyone to be careful around him.

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