Forty - Price

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In the morning, Dresden is dragged back to Miranda's by his newly marked mate where they meet up with Andy, Noah, and Ollie. The group meets the witch at the door of her house where she welcomes them once again, allowing them to get comfortable in her little living room. Julie takes a seat in Dresden's lap where he keeps her locked away while Ollie sits next to them in a chair Miranda brings from the kitchen. Andy and Noah sit in the loveseat tensely, a noticeable space between the two while Miranda settles in the one armchair with her legs under her.

"How did it go with Darren?" Ollie asks, leaning over the back of the chair. Miranda frowns at him, disapproving of his posture but shakes it off as she thinks about Darren. Her expression is solemn, dark even and it creates a tense atmosphere.

"I did what I could. Jade has sunk her nails into him really well," She pauses. "I managed to lock away what dark magik I could. It's isolated at the back of his mind so his connection to Jade is weak. I took the liberty to create a bunker of sorts for him on your territory, Dresden. I'll give you the location when you leave. His cage has been bewitched to keep him locked away as I promised."

"And my mate?"

Miranda turns her attention to Andy who can't seem to sit still. He's a little pale and there are dark circles under his eyes, telling her he didn't sleep well. She didn't think he would with his mate staying behind under her care.

"The dark magik has synched with his wolf," She tells him. "And now that the beast has found his mate, he won't submit to his human half."

"Is there anything you can do?" Andy asks, desperation in his voice. "Or is he stuck like this?"

"I can do something but you know how I work."

Noah snarls, drawing Andy back towards him. Andy growls back, shoving him away and the two stare each other down as they have a private conversation. Miranda ignores them, giving them their privacy while she turns to Julie.

"I see you've accepted him."

Julie smiles, leaning back against her mate. "I did."

"Good," Miranda tells her, offering her own smile at her with real sincerity. "He will take care of you."

"Can you explain why you didn't kill Darren?" Ollie asks, frowning as he scrutinizes her. "What are you planning by keeping him alive?"

"I'm not sure why I'm keeping him alive," Miranda argues. "There's a whisper in the air that says I should. It's my job to listen to nature. I don't like questioning the spirits. This is the next best offer."

"Were you able to pull any information from him?" Dresden asks, his grip getting noticeable tighter around Julie's waist as she fidgets.

Miranda lets out a soft sigh, slightly sinking into the chair and Julie notices how her demeanor changes into one of concern. "Not as much as I'd like."

"What went wrong?" The she-wolf asks.

The witch gives an encouraging smile, attempting to hide her own concerns as she explains. "I'm afraid my magik is growing weaker. While what spells I've cast will stay, there are others that won't. Digging into Darren's poison took a lot out of me. Jade's dark magik is stronger and if I'm not careful, I will be overwhelmed."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"It means that if I'm not careful, I will become a dark witch myself."

"Explain," demands Dresden.

Instinctively, Miranda raises her hand, her magik already ready to teach the wolf a lesson for demanding something from her but after considering it, she gives in.

"A queen is only a queen when her sisters have agreed to share their power with her. So long as my sisters have faith in me, so long as they stay true to my reign, I will hold my title as queen. Unfortunately, Jade has raised some...questions about my capability. With her escaping my clutches and running rampant with dark magik, my coven has started to lose their faith. Little by little, they're falling to Jade's persuasion and my power begins to wanes little by little. Soon, I won't be able to protect my sisters..."

A silence cloaks them for a long moment as they take in her words. Julie glances up at her mate, wanting to find a way to help her but Dresden knows it won't make a difference. Werewolves don't have any business interfering with a coven of witches. More than that, by getting involved, Miranda's sisters will only question her capabilities as queen even more. There's nothing they can do for her.

"What are you going to do then?" Ollie asks.

"I'll protect who I can for now. I still have my people."

"What will it take to save him?"

Miranda frowns, glancing back at Andy. She forgot about his predicament with his mate. It seems though that he's made a decision despite the news of her fading magik and Miranda prepares to make a deal with him.

"My magik won't be enough to erase Jade's influence on him. At most, I'll be able to bring a hint of his human conscious back but it won't last long. The dark magik won't ever disappear from him now that's it synched with his beast. He'll always have that to struggle with but if you want to bring him back completely, you're only chance is to kill Jade. She's the one that holds your mate by a string."

Andy frowns. "What do you mean?"

"If you don't defeat her soon, your mate will be a slave to the darkness. He'll become a dark werewolf - one without a true human conscious to guide him and Jade will use him for her own. There won't be any chance of saving him."

Julie hisses at her brother. "You can't, Andy. Jade is a dark witch. She's different. She won't obey nature. She'll kill you!"

"Julie speaks the truth," Miranda warns him, an idea coming to her mind. "There is little chance you'll survive on your own. However, if you chose to do this, I will give you aid. For a price."

"What's the price?"

"No!" Julie argues, glaring at her brother. "You can't do this."

Andy ignores her and stares down at Miranda with a hard determination in his eyes. Miranda nods, accepting it and explaining her terms despite Julie's interruption.

"Protect my granddaughter."

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