Five - Bruises

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 A lie.

Dresden considers himself imposing. He knows he can easily intimidate the bravest of wolves with a single look. It's what makes him an Alpha. It's in his blood, in his spirit. No one has dared to disrespect him other than silly Alphas like Ollie or Tyrone. Julie is the first. His own mate doesn't seem to think twice about lying to him.

He watches her scurry off to her protective brother before he has a chance to scold her or push her for answers. The only reason he's even here is because Jack called to tell him where she is. He came hoping to entice her into answering his questions or, at the very least, recognize him as her mate. Instead, he finds himself more annoyed than ever and Jack hasn't even greeted him yet.

Dresden hardly notices the scents of the unmated she-wolves whimpering for his attention. His eyes are focused on the one that doesn't seem to be bothered and as he makes his way towards Jack's table, he finds himself growling low at anyone who dares to come near. Julie hardly looks his way. She sits next to her brother with her head resting on her hands, nodding along to whatever her brother is whispering.

"Damn," Jack greets him with a knowing smirk. His arm is wrapped around Sheila, one of the unmated she-wolves of their pack who happens to be a long-time lover of Jack's. "She hasn't even acknowledged you yet."

Dresden slides into the booth, his eyes still watching his little mate. "I'd know if she had."

Shiela, begging for attention and caring little for the conversation, snuggles up to Jack and begins to slowly kiss his neck. Jack doesn't stop her. He briefly glances at the she-wolf driving his Alpha insane and chuckles lowly. Despite all of the sweet scents clouding the restaurant, Dresden's attention remains on Julie and Jack knows he couldn't ignore her if he tried. He couldn't even bed another she-wolf in her place and he knows that because he got the leftovers.

"Still pissed she's ignoring you?" Jack teases, enjoying the idea of someone messing with his Alpha is such a strong way.

"She's going to regret it." Dresden snarls. "I'm not going to let her ignore me."

"Well," Jack adjusts his position, his fingers following the curves of Sheila's body pressed up against him. "It seems Ollie has someone keeping an eye on her though."

Dresden glances across the room where Ollie's little sister Trisha sits with her friends. The golden-haired girl glances a few times across the way, towards Julie and her brother. There's a soft expression on her face that makes Dresden want to stake his claim and when Trisha glances at him, he releases a low warning growl. Her expression instantly turns into a scowl. Not quite an Alpha or even a beta for that matter, Trisha is still considered a strong she-wolf. Should she need to, she could pose as a good opponent for Dresden being an Alpha's daughter and another Alpha's sister and Dresden has no problem putting her back into her place - especially if she's making a claim on what's his.

There are no sexual preferences for Were. Mates are predestined by Fenrir or the Moon Goddess, whichever religion a wolf follows. Same-sex mates are just as normal as heterosexual mates and mating season happens to be the perfect time to follow instincts and experiment. So it's not unusual that Trisha could be staking a claim on Julie for the season. She hasn't held back before when it comes to other women, not like Dresden who, for whatever reason, can't biologically seem to be attracted to the same sex. But Dresden has never lost a prey and despite the opponent's strengths to his weaknesses, Dresden isn't about to lose Julie to Trisha.

"Hmm," Jack chuckles lowly. "It seems like you have a challenger."

"No one is fucking touching her." Dresden snarls out, warning his beta to keep his mouth shut. Jack's grin merely grows.

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