Twenty - Attack

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 Dresden growls out at how indelicately Jack spoke to his mate but he lets it go. He's got bigger fish to fry than the manners of his beta. Julie merely heads back inside, her guards following her. Jack takes a moment to stand and stretch, getting his body to relax after running so far and for so long.

"Hm," He says. "We've nearly covered every corner in our territory. There's only so many places she could be."

"We'll have to start searching outside our territory."

Jack shivers. "That's going to be dangerous..."

"No one will go alone. Small packs of three or four will do. That should be enough to make rogues wary of attacking. If anyone comes anywhere close to another Alpha's territory, that's when we'll have to be careful." Dresden decides. "She's not in my lands and she's not in Ollie's. For all we know, she could on the other side of the country right now."

"There aren't many Alphas out there to begin with." Jack thinks. "Maybe they'll be willing to help us out."

"No," Dresden growls. "Not now. Trisha might be claimed but her disappearance on her mate will lead others to consider she's free game. At this time of the year, anyone offering to help us might turn around and decide to keep her for themselves. It's best that we involve only ourselves."


Jack and Dresden look to find Lea and the other girls together. They emerge from the trees, shifted into their human forms and wearing long shirts to cover what's necessary.

"We searched everywhere," Sheila complains as she comes closer. Jack admires her long legs, licking his lips while the she-wolf teases him by leaning close, mixing her body heat with his. "But there's no sign."

"Even towards Ollie's lands," Nina adds. "Her scent is just gone. There's no way we'll be able to find her. Maybe the bitch just left."

Kennedy runs her hands through her hair. "Wherever she is and whatever she's doing, I don't care. I just washed my hair this morning and already there's dirty and leaves in it."

"Just go," Dresden growls out, unable to hear any more of their complaining. The girls don't hesitate to head inside and he can hear them greet Julie enthusiastically as if they're all good friends.

"They're getting along pretty well," Jack tells him. "Even Lea has shown concern over her."

"Good," Dresden growls once more. "She's their Alpha-mate. They should be concerned about her."

Jack frowns. "Now if only she knew that..."

"Shut up."

A loud crash echoes from inside and immediately after, a shout of pain. Both Jack and Dresden act, hurrying inside. Shouts of protests come from the kitchen and the two make their way there. Sheila, Kennedy, Lea, and Nina are gathered around Julie, each telling the other to get something or to move out of the way. Meanwhile, Julie's guards stay out of the way and watches carefully as the girls try to tend to Julie's bleeding wound.

"What the hell did you do?" Dresden snarls out, shoving the girls out of the way. Jack leads them out of the kitchen along with the guards, giving the two privacy so their Alpha can take care of his mate. Dresden takes Julie's shaking hand into his own. There's a large, deep cut on her palm covered with blood that is spilling. The sight of it makes him sick to his stomach. He looks around for the source. Shards of a broken plate litter the floor and he turns back to Julie sharply.

"It was an accident!" She claims, tears sitting in the corner of her eyes. "I just need to rinse it and bandage it! It's not that big of a deal!"

Dresden sternly holds her hand in place and brings it towards his face. She attempts to pull away but he doesn't let her. Using his tongue, he cleans the wound. The taste of her blood is surprisingly sweet compared to most and it's the first taste of blood his wolf does not appreciate. Growling out, he continues his attention until all he tastes is her sweet skin.

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