TwentyNine - Witch

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 Dresden snarls out as Sheila timidly shrinks away from his anger, reporting to him what she saw Jack and Julie doing. His anger travels through the pack, immediately affecting everyone's mood and cutting the party short. Their guests look on in confusion until Ollie and Rose figured out what was going on and sent majority of them home, leaving only a select few behind to listen in.


The word barely comes out of his mouth, he grits his teeth so hard. His fangs are showing, making it difficult to mash his mouth close before another snarl can shake through him. His black diamond eyes focuses on the she-wolf as she bares her neck towards him, hoping that her vulnerability might appease him a little. Dresden hardly recognizes her. His anger is so strong, so hot-white that he can feel his blood boiling under the skin and there's nothing more appealing to him than sinking his wolf teeth into his beta's neck at that very moment.

His wolf cries out for blood.

"They left somewhere."

Rose giggles from behind him, daring to draw his attention away from the trembling she-wolf that risks being his next victim. The she-Alpha sits in one of the reclining chairs with her legs folded and her eyes closed, the perfect image of relaxation but Dresden isn't anything but relaxed.

"What did you do?" He growls, trying to remain patient for answers. Rose toys with him dangerously, grinning up at him with a childish immaturity that doesn't suit her.

"I have no idea what you mean."

Phillip is quick to defend her the moment Dresden takes a threatening step towards her. His own fangs fall out and if it weren't for the fact that Dresden can smell him on her, he would've killed the two of them right then and there.

He tries patience once again. "Where did they go?"

"For the likes of me, I don't know," Rose teases, walking on thin ice now. "But don't worry. I'm sure they'll be back soon."

"There is an all-Alpha pack out there that is potentially targeting my mate, she-wolf. Do not play games with me!"

Rose examines her nails girlishly. "Go eat a squirrel or something, Dresden. Where they're going, no red-eyed Alpha will be able to touch her."

Frowning, Dresden thinks carefully about the options. At first, he can't think of any place that an insane, uncontrollable red-eyed wolf might avoid but as it hits him, he can slowly feel his grip on his own beast slip. He can barely say the one word that comes to mind, the one name that he knows as a poison haunting his mate, tormenting her.


"Very good, Amateur Alpha Number One," Rose claps slowly, her smile jabbing at him. "I figured it'd take you a lot long to guess that."

"Who's Miranda?" Ollie asks, frowning as he looks between the two Alphas.

Rose ignores him as does Dresden, both unwilling to share the information despite their alliance with the ignorant Alpha. "They have a bond, you know. I can't quite put my finger on it but something about Julie makes Miranda like her - despite her heritage."

"You don't think this isn't bad?" Dresden paces, squeezing and stretching his fists at his sides. "Your sister - my mate, of all people, is seeing a fucking witch!"

Ollie snarls out. "A witch?!"

Dresden ignores him again. "Miranda already took her wolf. Julie has nothing else to give except her life! Her life! And you, her sister, allowed her to go!"

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