Thirteen - Dresden's Past

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Julie sighs, frustration filling her up as she lays back against the bed. Pride and Prejudice, one of her favorite books by Jane Austen, sits opened against her stomach with her hand resting on top. She loves to read the story, to imagine it in her head but having done it so many times and having no change of scenery, she feels constrained, imprisoned, trapped and she can't find an escape through the famous novel.

It's already Wednesday, just half past noon and her new pack members are working relentlessly. She can hear the shouts and grunts of warriors training in combat outside. She can hear the children running through the house, playing games while their mothers and babysitters yell at them to be careful. Every now and then, she can hear conversations, chatter echoing from outside followed by loud laughter. It's not as loud as before, when all of her pack members were home. She can only assume the others are at schools or jobs provided by their Alpha. She doesn't really know. She hasn't left Dresden's bedroom once.

She's attempted to but somehow Dresden discovered her before she even reached the first floor. He did let her go into the living room once but as soon as she tried to step foot outside, he dragged her right back here and threatened her. She doesn't dare set foot out of the room now. When she heard a loud noise earlier this morning though, she discovered that her Alpha has assigned guards to her. They stand quietly and stoically on the other side of the door like the sentries outside, studying every sound and every movement she makes.

It's only been a few days but it feels like torture. She's denied the small freedoms she's used to. Even at James's, she's allowed to go out for a walk, to leave her bedroom, to get up. But now, she has guards and is locked away in her Alpha's bedroom like it's some high-class prison cell and she hardly sees Dresden.

A knock echoes at the door and Julie sits up in surprise, wincing as her bruises ache from the harsh movement. Slowly, she crawls to the edge of the bed and watches as the door cracks open to reveal Lea. Julie's heart drops and panic sets in as she realizes the danger that comes with Lea visiting her. Lea's green eyes light up when she finds Julie and opening the door all the way, Julie realizes she's not alone.

"Julie!" Lea greets her. Her friend from earlier along with Shiela and one more new person enters the room, each smiling at her with semi-friendliness that Julie finds deceiving. "I've brought some friends! We thought you might be feeling lonely up here!"

Despite the nice attitude, Julie can still see the seductive glances Lea and her friends give her as their eyes drift over her. Julie's hand squeezes and she finds herself gripping the wolf hide under her.

Clearing her throat, she tries to look as calm as possible. "I appreciate it but I'm in the middle of a book."

Lea's eyes glance over at the hardcover book. "Oh well. We're here now. Oh, let me introduce you. You know Sheila but these two are Nina and Kennedy."

Nina, the one from before, smiles an equally seductive smile at her and waves her fingers in her direction. Her red hair hangs down to her waist. The crimson color makes her golden hues stand out tremendously and Julie remembers her clearly.

"Hi again."
 Kennedy, on the other hand, has dark brown hair with dullish golden eyes that seem to glow in comparison to her skin. Her dark skin is even darker in this room, the black color nearly blending into the shadows but it's flawless and Julie can feel herself grow jealous when she realizes it. Her expression changes when she hears her name being said. The inquisitive glance she gives Julie is shaken off and in its place is a calm exterior that Julie finds suspicious.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Julie. Lea and them have been going on and on about you. We all have, actually."

Panicking, Julie swallows. "W-Why?"

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