Four - Outing

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Julie aches. The throbbing sensation that is pounding throughout her body compares little to the ache that rests in her chest. Her arms and legs are sore, but her chest is tight. It's uncomfortable with a hidden weight resting on it, making it difficult to move and hard to breathe normally. It takes her a good while to sit up and when she does, her head swims.

Andy is already prepared for her. He hurries to her side and helps her sit up, offering her a glass of water and some pain pills. She rests against him while she drinks the water slowly.

"How are you feeling?"

Julie wants to tell him that she feels better than he looks but she doesn't know how she looks. Is she covered in bruises? Are they bad? She doesn't know but she can clearly see how Andy feels. The red in his eyes tells her he didn't sleep again and there's a grief-stricken expression that tells her he's been chewing himself up with guilt for not being able to do anything. She's seen it before and she knows that secretly, he's cried even though it's been days since James attacked her.

Sighing, she squeezes his hand and sits up on her own. Andy anxiously waits next to her, keeping his hands close in case she topples over. "I'm fine."

"Did you sleep well? Any nightmares?" He asks.

Julie chooses not to answer knowing that any lie she spits out will be tossed aside by her brother. Instead, she smiles softly at him and leans back against the headboard, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. Andy takes her hand in his, squeezing it tightly. His warmth sends chills up her spin and she pulls the comforter closer around her. Andy watches it with a tiny grin of amusement.

"You're so weak." He chuckles.

She can't help but wince at his words. He's right in every sense. Since losing her wolf, she can feel herself slowly become weaker, tired of simple things that used to be effortless. The cold bites her bitterly. Running makes her feel like her lungs are on fire and she can't go as far or as long as before. And she doesn't even have the strength to defend herself should she make an enemy with another Were. Just a simple, wrong, stupid move on her end could mean the death of her. Without her brothers, any Were could attack her for whatever reason and she'd have no means to defend herself.

They're all stronger than her.

Zach enters the room, freshly showered and hand-drying his hair with a towel. He glances up and smiles widely when he notices Julie. "Morning."

Julie smiles softly up at him. "Morning."

"Did you take your medicine? How are you feeling? Up to getting out?"

"Getting out?"

Zach grins. "Yeah. We've got a couple days left until Friday. Let's go explore freely while we're still rogues."

Julie can't help but feel a little lighter from his expression alone. Zach has never had a problem with being a rogue or being enemies with everyone in the world. So long as he had his family behind him and protected, Zach probably wouldn't mind being blamed for everything bad that happens. His shoulders are broad and his spirit is strong and sturdy but Julie knows that he tries to take on the world when he doesn't need to.


Andy gives her a panicked expression. "Are you sure? You don't want to push it. We can do it another time if you want to rest one more day."

"No," Julie glances at the bed she's in. "I've been in this thing long enough. Let's get out of the house for a bit."


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