ThirtyFive - Darren

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 Ollie lays across his couch warily having just coming in from searching another night for Trisha. Only now, he has to search for Julie too and the tole of the the two missing together is taking a lot out of all of them. Zach, especially, has never looked so worse and now, Andy finds himself in the same position, desperately doing anything and everything he can to find her. With Dresden not too far off from killing them all, Ollie finds himself the only one logical enough to stop his allies from turning on each other.

Rose has returned, confirming the rumors her people have picked up that a witch has sided with the Alpha of Alphas. Ollie isn't too sure how she found that to be true but he's not going to question it. There's no other explanation for why scents are disappearing. The news that her sister has gone missing did not sit well with Rose though and since Dresden hasn't returned since leaving to look for her, Rose took out all of her anger on Jack. It took Ollie everything he had not to bite the she-wolf himself. He's not a fan of her but she's still his brothers' sister and she's still an ally in this war he's involved in. He has to remind himself that her information and skills are useful and he'll do anything he can to prevent inner turmoil from happening again.

The red-eyed bastards already had him playing their game once. He's not going to do it again.


Ollie slams his fist onto the coffee table next to him, sitting up as he prepares himself for more bad news.



Everyone sounds desperate and exasperated. Ollie quickly makes his way through his house, slamming the back door open as he takes in the huddled group moving towards him from the trees. Immediately, his heart stops and his blood boils with hatred. He runs, adrenaline hitting him as he heads towards the huddled group. Paul and Christine hold onto a weak, beaten Trisha who can barely walk. Her head hangs and he can see the blood stained onto her clothes. Black, brown and yellow bruises mar her arms and face. One eye is swollen badly, the other barely opening to see him. Her beautiful tan skin has diminished into a sickly, yellow color and her vanilla scent is tainted by the scent of her blood.

Ollie hurries them inside, cradling his sister in his arms himself. She's thinner than he remembers and as he carries her, she moans painfully. Her fingers grip his shirt. Her voice mumbles his name and Ollie is already shouting orders.

"Where did you find her?"

"We didn't," Paul reports to him. "We weren't getting anything and then, she just appeared. Couldn't stand up. She fell before we reached her."

"Where's Zach?"

"He's coming."

"Get me some warm water and a rag," Ollie demands, carrying Trisha to her and Zach's room. It's remained untouched since she went missing but now that she's back, he imagines she'll be here for a while. Zach too.

"Someone find Dresden and bring him back. Tell him we've found Trisha. She might know something about Julie's whereabouts."

Ollie lays her on her bed as gently as he could. Her injuries are painful, causing her to flinch and breath in short bursts as she adjusts to her new position. He sits next to her, taking the rag someone hands him and begins to clean off as much dirt and blood away from her face as he can.

"Hey, baby sister," He whispers to her, brushing her hair away from her face. "You're all right now. I've got you."

"Oll...E," She mutters, turning towards him with tears in her eyes. He quickly wipes them away, reassuring her that she's safe. From behind him, he senses Zach enter the room and quickly, he moves to let his sister's mate through. Zach nearly collapses upon seeing her. The weight of her injuries is too much for him to carry. He holds onto her hand and cries, telling her how sorry he is for failing her.

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