ThirtyOne - Trespasser

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 She might not have her wolf senses but even Julie can see that Dresden is not happy with her. The instant Jack pulls up and into the yard, Dresden has already stepped off the front porch towards them. His fangs are out, snarls can be heard and Julie can feel the dangerous anger of his black diamond eyes as they zero in on her. She turns towards Jack slightly but her beta is equally as upset with her and with her sleeping the entire way, he wasn't given a chance to blow up on her about the dangers of visiting a witch.

Dresden grabs her arms like a mother would a lost a child. His eyes burn as they look over her, checking for any new bruise or scratch to mar her delicious pearl skin. He turns her and lifts her shirt slightly. He checks her palms, the tips of her fingers, her neck. His fingers look over her scalp, slightly pressing to find any wounds. Julie feels herself swaying with his forced moves, going where he pulls her towards until she ends up being tugged in the next direction. When he fails to find any source of pain, he stares hard at her.

"Are you all right? Did you do anything? Make a deal?"

Julie feels herself shrinking. "No, I'm fine."

He tugs her forward, wrapping his arms around her. She shakes, welcoming his warmth against the cold temperatures that attack her every second she's outside. She can hear him breathe her in. His hot breath blows over her neck, making her shiver with something else. Her face is nearly pressed into his own neck and shoulder. Still exhausted from reconnecting with her wolf, Julie leans against him, breathing him in and enjoying the close proximity.

"Don't ever go see that witch again," He tells her harshly, his whispered words echoing into her ears only. Julie doesn't reply, deciding to save her arguments for another day. He squeezes her in return, content to have her back in one piece.

"What about me?" Jack's voice rings out, breaking whatever bubble they were just forming together. "Don't I get a welcome home hug too?"

Dresden relaxes his hold on Julie, glaring at his beta with a hatred that wasn't given his mate. Jack keeps his grin up, leaning against the hood of his car.

"I told you to drive fast."

"Yeah, well," Jack's grin fades slightly. "She was sleeping. Completely blacked out the moment she sat in the seat."

Dresden turns his attention to his mate. "Are you all right?"

Julie smiles, nodding softly while she leans against him. All of her energy is going towards staying standing and there's nothing more she wants to do than to sit out and not move ever again.

"You already asked that. I'm fine."

Her mate frowns at her but before he can push, his entire body tenses and Julie can hear the sentries nearby growling as an unwelcoming visitor trespasses onto his lands. Dresden calls Jack to attention and nearly hands Julie off like a package. Jack doesn't hesitate to lead her inside, leaving Dresden and the others to deal with the intruder.

Sheila greets them at the door. Her eyes are angry and her manicured nails are digging into the flesh of her arms as she holds herself back from ripping into her seasonal partner. Julie pauses, moving slightly to the side to allow Jack through and she watches as Sheila nearly explodes into a ball of fire as he moves towards her.

"Aw, baby," He grins. "There's no need to greet me like that. If you want sex, all you have to do is ask."

He garnishes his greeting with a flirtatious wink but it only infuriates Sheila even more. She scoffs, flips him off and then disappears into the house, muttering curses and mentioning someone named Olive a few times. Julie looks up at her beta, an expression of disappointment crossing over her.

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