Chapter Twelve

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hai guise

Y'know I love ya right?


Did anyone else go back to school this monday/tuesday??

bc i did and like idek what to do with myself rn.

my classes are not as hard this term ish but like i just don't like school.

and I barely know anyone.

plus the 50,000 carrots in my choir class.



Song of the Chapter: Pitter-Pat by: Erin McCarley

Chapter Twelve

Lola's Point of View

"Lola!" I hear a voice behind me call. I choose to ignore it.

"Lola! Lola, wait up!" It calls again, I know exactly who it is now...Maybe if I walk faster he'll go away...

No such luck for me it seems. Harry stops right next to me, that damn smile concealing his face. Covering something that I can't decipher right now. I shouldn't care any way....

"What do you want, Harry?"

"Hey, hey! Tone down the bitch a little would ya babe? Can't a guy just want your company?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow. His smirk making an unnecessary reappearance.

"A normal guy? Sure. But you? There's nothing normal about you."

"....If she only knew.." He says looking down at his shoes. I stop walking and turn to face him. He continues to walk a few steps until he realizes that I'm no longer walking beside him. He comes back and stands across from me, completely blockig the hallway now.

"What do you want, Harry? Seriously. I have homework to do." I say sternly.

"You want the serious answer?"



"Harry, hurry up. I need to head home." I say, becoming very impatient. My arms crossing swiftly around my chest.

"Lola..I-I wanna take you out." He says. I roll my eyes.

"This again? Harry, c'mon what do you really want?" I chuckle and shake my head.

"Lola, I'm being serious." He frowns at me.

"You're kidding right?"

"I'm being serious Lola....but since the answer is obviously--" He begins, pulling at his sweater sleeves. He bites his lip ring and I can tell he's about to walk away.


He perks up quickly at this, turning his body to face mine. His eyebrows lifting slightly.

"Promise me something." I say


"Promise me..promise me that this isn't gonna be a waste of my time. Promise me that I won't be another one of your meaningless girls, Harry. Even if we're just friends, promise me I'll always have meaning to you."

He smiles, "As long as you can promise me the same."


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