Chapter Twenty-Six

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Soooo since the last chapter was basically the definition of shit, I give you....*drum roll please*....



Song of the Chapter: You Don't Know --For Fuck's Sake by: Ed Sheeran ft. Yelawolf

Chapter Twenty-Six

Harry's Point of View

I hang up on Cadence. I need to keep her thoughts away from Niall for right now. At least until she forgets what ever she thinks she learned about the Pharoah's. 

Becuase she really doesn't know a thing.

I wish Niall would've 'fessed up as soon as she moved out here. I know that it eats him up every time he sees her --hence the reason for  his distance-- but she has every right to know about who her parents really were, who her brother really is.

Who she's expected to become.

Speaking of Niall...

I really am afraid that he fell asleep and drowned in the bath. I haven't heard a sound from that side of the house in quite some time. I look at the time.


Where did the time go?

Oh yeah, down my shirt. Like Niall's vomit.

I hope he doesn't mind that I used his shower. And his clothes...

"Niall? You okay?" I say, calling towards the closed bathroom door.

There's no answer.

"Niall?" I call again, knocking this time.


I decide to push the door open. 

The bathroom is empty.

Where the hell did he go?

Sighing, I turn on my heel and walk to the living room.

"Niall, where are you?"

"Harrrry..." I hear him call back in a sing-sing voice.

"Niall why did you leave the bath?" I ask. I begin to look under the blankets strewn across the sofa. He's not there. I walk towards the kitchen.

"You're getting waaarmer.." He sings to me, a laugh curling at the end of his voice.

"Niall this isn't funny."

He laughs.

He better not be wasted.

I walk out of the kitchen and head towards his bedroom. A strange yet familiar scent lingers in the air. The closer I get to his door the stronger it gets. 

"Niall..." I begin as I open the door to his room.

"You found me!" He says.

"Niall--What the fuck is that!" 

I shouldn't have even asked.

In his hand lies a joint, perfectly rolled. He lifts it up to me.

"Want  a lil' taste Har Har?"

"No." I say and walk across his room to open the window.

"Don't matter if you want to or not. I've already smoked enough to give you a second hand high." He laughs at his own joke.

"You need to put that out. Since when were you into smoking again? I thought you gave that up."

He pouts. "You're no fun anymore. Ever since the baby you have no time for your baby." Niall whines.

I laugh. Hard. Maybe he was right about that second hand high...

"Niall, of all the people that could've said that to me, you were by far the last person I ever expected to say that."

"I never get to see my Harry anymore." He says, eyes glistening slightly.

Maybe that's just the weed.


"It was always me and you before we took Elly in. I miss those days...We used to be so close." I see a tear stream down his cheeks.

What the heck..

"Oh, Niall.." I say. I walk over from my position by the window to sit by him on his bed. He immediately wraps his arms around me, catching me off gaurd.

His shoulders shake with tears as I awkwardly rub his back.

"It's uh..okay. I'm here."

Suddenly I'm pushed back onto the bed, Niall on top of me.

He looks down at me as if thinking. His head tilting in concentration.

He begins to lean down to me so fiercely, I begin to question how much he's smoked.

His lips are hovering over mine.

What the actual fuck...

"Uh..Niall--" I begin.

"Are we friends?" He leans closer.


"Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure.." I try to push back.

"Smoke with me?" He whispers.

I am so startled by his question that I jump up and smack my forehead against his.

He laughs.

I glare.

"What the hell was that?!"

"Har--y-you're f-f-face !"

"That was not funny."

"It was hilarious!" He clutches his stomach and climbs from mine. " that a yes?"

"Niall...You know I can't. You're sister would kill me. Lola would probably..I don't know really... do something that would result in me not being able to see Darcy."

"Okay first off, screw her. Secondly, since when does my little sister hold any authority over you. Besides, you can just stay here for the rest of the night. Sleep it off."

I look at him for a moment, recalling the truth in his eyes when he said that I hadn't talked to him in quite some time. I sigh.

 He's right. 

I've been neglecting him for a while.

One little smoke with my best friend won't hurt anybody..


"Fine." I say.

His eyes widen. I can tell he wasn't expecting me to agree so quickly.


I wasn't either.



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