Chapter Two

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Chapter Two.

Once we get to Niall's, I unbuckle Wynn from her seat and carry her up to his porch. I sharply knock on his door and a few seconds later a pretty brunette answers the door. She has warm brown eyes that are encased by glasses, her light brown hair decked with honey highlights.

"Hi," She says "You must be Cadence."

"Yup." i say still trying to figure out who this girl is and why she is at my brothers house.

"And you must be Wynne," she says a smile lighting up her face "I'm Halo."

Wynne looks at her sheepishly , giving Halo a small smile.

"Is Niall here?" I ask her

"No, he had to pick up a friend, but he wanted you to know that he is truly sorry. He said it was important..but that's all he said.." She tells me

A sigh escapes my lips, of course Niall would go pick up a 'friend' when I need him most. I love my brother to death, I mean he pisses me off but I still love him. It's just that I wish he was more reliable. He is always doing things for others that he shouldn't have to do. I guess he just feels obligated though, I bet he thinks by doing this that he can keep people out of trouble.. I just wish he would've told me sooner, then at least I could try and find a babysitter.

"Okay... well thanks I guess," I begin. I turn around and am about to leave but then Halo calls my name.

"Wait!.. I-I could watch her?" She says. I am about to say no because I honestly have no idea who this chick is but then I think about it. I really can't take any days of work off because I am saving those for when Wynne gets sick, plus free babysitting, and if this Halo girl is standing inside of Niall's house she must be pretty important to him. He is really picky about who he trusts and so far he's been right about more people than I have.

"Sure," I say to her and hand her Wynne. ", Bye baby. Mama loves you." I say blowing her a kiss before turning around and walking back to my car. I can already tell this is going to be a long day.


Elly's Point of View

"Bye!" I hear Cade say before walking out of the door.

I sigh and look at Harry, he has deep purple bags under his eyes and I can tell that not seeing Darcy has been killing him. I mean I know Lola has her reasons but come on, Darcy is his daughter too! I gently put my hand on his and he looks up at me. I wish the poor kid didn't look so defeated, Harry is like a brother to me and it crushes me to see him looking so down. Suddenly I felt mad, how dare Lola think she has the right to do this to him?

"Come on," I say getting up out of my seat

"..what?" he asks, clearly confused

""Come on. We're going to get your baby back."

"Elly.. "

"No. Don't start that shit with me Harry, you and I both know that you just want that cute little kid tugging at your hair everyday like she used to."

"I know but--"

" Butt's are for spanking. You need this Harry, whether you like it or not." I say and Harry sighs before nodding his curly head and walking down the hall to his room. When did he become such a passive person? I can still clearly remember the days when me, Harry, and Niall would walk around school thinking we were bad asses but then again we actually were. Those were the days when Harry and Niall would just wait around in the halls trying to see if there was anyone the two of them could double team..... But that was before Harry met Lola.

To Keep Her Safe (Liam Payne) UNDER MAJOR RECONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now