Forever- Cassian Andor X Reader

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The battle waged around Captain Cassian Andor as he took out one Storm trooper then another then another.

A couple yards away, Mai Wilkinson was fighting just as hard as her best friend and secret love, Cassian Andor was. Somewhere in battle her auburn hair had come undone and was now flying around her stormy grey eyes. Her weapon of choice was not one that you would expect. Bow and Quiver. She was lethal with it.

Bodies fell all around and Mai became lost in the battle. She didn't notice the ATAT coming right toward her until it was to late. The last trooper around her fell, then she is blown off her feet by a laser shot from the ATAT. She lands on the ground, bones crunching on impact. Blood trickled down her forehead.

Cassian finished off the last of the troopers and looked around at the chaos that surrounded him. His eyes landed on auburn hair and a brown quiver. No. He thought. Not her. Anyone but her.

He ran over to her and immediately dropped to his knees. Her eyes were closed, her breathing shallow. No. No. No NO!

He gently lifted her head onto his lap. Her eyes opened. "Cassian?" She asked, barley in a whisper. He nodded his head, tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't see it." Mai said, smiling a reassuring smile at her best friend. But her once white teeth were stained with her blood. He swallowed the lump in his throat as her breaths became more and more shallow. She couldn't feel anything. She felt.. numb. She had always thought that death would be painful. But.. Cassian was with her.

Using the last bit of strength she had, she reached up and put her hand around his neck. She pressed her lips to his ear and gently whispered, "I love you forever." Then her arms went slack and she fell to the ground.

Cassian caught her and gently set her head on the ground. He brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. Her hair seemed to fan out around her head making her look almost angelic. He then noticed her once stormy grey eyes, once bright with life but dulled now to resemble his mood, were still open, staring unseeing up to the heavens. With a shaky breath, he reached over and closed her eyes for the last time. He then placed a single kiss on her cold cheek.

"I love you till the end." He finally whispered.

Well? What do you guys think? Vote for characters in the comments! Love you guys I'll try to update a lot before I have to go back to school next week!
-XO Piper

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