Blind love- Chirrut X Reader

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"Just hold me. Hold me and never let go. I love you. Please. I can't loose you." Chirrut whispers into Castra's ear. A tear rolls down her cheek. "I am sorry. But I must go. My people.." She trails off. He starts crying. "Castra, please. I cannot do this life without you in it. You are my the light of my life." He whispers, as a single tear rolls down his cheek.

She wipes it away. "I'll come back. I always do." She says, trying to calm his nerves. She was leaving to join the Rebellion. And she probably won't come back.

"I'm so sorry. I love you forever." She whispers into his ear. He starts to sob. She pulls away, but he still has a grip on her hand.

"I'm sorry... I have to go." Her voice breaks as she pulls her arm out of his grasp.

She turns on her heal and starts walking to her ship. Looking behind her shoulder, she notices his milky white eyes still on her. She whispers under her breath, "I'll come back. All you have to do is call." He nods his head like he could hear her.

She goes onto her ship and sets course for Coruscant. She is supposed to meet an old friend who will escort her to the base.

As she drifts off to sleep, her last thoughts are of him. She's doing this for him. She reminds herself. She has to keep him safe.

Sorry for such a short chapter! Holy crap this is short! But anyways sorry for not updating! I had a couple of last minute assignments to finish up before I have to go back on Wednesday! Ug I really don't want to go back. But hey! My birthday is in 11 days!!! Yay!!! I'm excited!
Love you guys! Thanks for the support it means the world to me!
-XO Piper

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