Scream- Cassin Andor X Reader

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I tossed and turned as a million thoughts ran through my head. He's gone. He's really truly gone this time. A pilot saw him on the beach with another women the day that he died.

Was I really that replaceable? I knew I wasn't anything special. I mean both of my parents abandoned me when I was 6. I joined the Rebellion. Where else was there to go? My parents left me nothing. So I sneaked on a cargo ship that was heading for the Rebellion.

I met him. Friends almost instantly. I always felt something more for him.

When we were both 17 he got sent away on a mission. I had just gotten back from one so I wasn't able to go with him. He didn't come back for 6 months. I remember throwing myself into his arms and sobbing into his shoulder. He was all I had. I remember him telling me that he would never leave me. That he loved me. He kissed me that night.

I sighed as I pulled the blankets closer to my body. One day he's loving me the next day he dies in another women's arms. That was supposed to be me. Now I have no one.

Tears pricked my eyes. It had been 3 weeks since he died. And every night was filled with worry and insomnia. Every night, I felt like screaming till I couldn't.

I tried to scream but all that ever came out were chocked sobs. I loved Cassian. But I'll never know if he meant what he said.

Mon Mothma was worried about me. I just waved her off. I didn't want people. All they do is disappoint and hurt. I couldn't handle being left by anyone else.

I stared up at the ceiling for what felt like forever. He was gone this time. Truly gone.

I'll never be able to forget the time that he told me he had big plans. We were laying on top of a ship looking up that the stars that made up the galaxy that we were fighting so hard to save. "Ames?" He asked. "Yes?" I replied, snuggling closely to him. "I want a future with you." I smile at that. "I want a future with you to." I whisper. He grins before pulling out a beautiful ice blue ring. I gasp. "Can I give you this ring? It's a promise that I'll always be here for you. It's a promise of our future. I love you Ames. Please don't ever forget that." He placed the ring on my finger before delicately kissing my hang making me giggle. "I love you too."

I twist the ring on my finger. The last thing he ever gave me. I will never get the future that he planned out for us. I'll never get to feel his arms around me one last time. I choke out a sob.

We are soldiers. He was probably honored to die the way he did. If that was me I know I would.

But nothing can stop the pain that's taken over my heart. My heart may be forever broken, but you can bet that the Empire is gonna get one hell of a fight from me.

Oh my gosh it's been freaking forever!!! I'm super super sorry! I've had so much going on with basketball and school that I haven't even gotten to re-read the Cassie Clair books for her new one coming out next month! Have you read Lady Midnight? Do you ship Julian and Emma? Oh my gosh I ship them SO SO hard!!! Please comment your favorite ship of ALL TIME below! Anyways just wanted to apologize I feel absolutely awful! I love you guys thanks for everything!!!

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