Anathema- Bodhi Rook X Reader (second part of Goner)

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Won't you go to someone else's dreams?
Won't you go to someone else's head?
Haven't you taken enough from me?
Won't you torture someone else's sleep?
-Anathema, TØP

(7 months after Goner)

It's been months since Bodhi died. I've managed to get along.

Of course in those months, my mother died- killed in a raid. My father had run off to join the Rebellion when I was 10. I was an only child. So, I had no one. Well, for 2 more months.

The only thing that has managed to keep me going is the fact that something I growing inside me. Someone I should say.

The doctors tell me it is going to be a boy. I'm beyond excited.

And yet... every night.. one thing still haunts my dreams. Him.

Bodhi. My husband. Even though he died, he's still my husband. No one can ever change that. Not the Empire, not even death. I'm still madly in love with him. And I'll never get to see him again.

The thought fills me with dis pare. I close my eyes and the flashback starts.

7 months ago

I had run into the hanger, eager to see Bodhi. When I step inside, I'm met with sad faces turned towards me. "Where's Bodhi?" I ask a girl who had just gotten out of her ship. She gave me a sad look. "He sacrificed himself on Scarif.. I'm sorry." She turns away.

He's not gone. He can't be. Any moment he'll come in that door, laugh at me, then we'll go home.

But he never walked through those doors.

•end of flashback•

I grimace at the memory. I'll never forget how my whole world seemed to crumble when she said those words. How they still haunt me, months later.

I hadn't even made an effort to make friends. What's the point? They won't care. Probably don't even know about Bodhi. But that's good.

I look over at a picture of me and Bodhi that our friend had taken of us at the base. We looked happy.

Won't you go to someone else's head?

My arms were thrown around his neck and his head was buried in my shoulder. A closer look at the picture showed that I was smiling. I breath out a heavy sigh. I closed my eyes, hoping to get a little bit of sleep.

Won't you go to someone else's dreams?

I drifted into a light sleep.

I was on the beach of the lake, surrounded by blinding white light. Looking around, I noticed a figure coming toward me. I squinted into the light.

From the fog came Bodhi. My Bodhi. I tried to jump up but I couldn't. I was glued to the spot. "Jodi." His voice rings in my ears. It's full of hurt. "Why didn't you save me? Why didn't you try?" I opened my mouth to tell him that I was systems away when he died... but I couldn't. I was absolutely and totally frozen in place. He continued. "I needed you. And you left me. I'm dead because of you! You could have done more! You could have saved me!" He was yelling at me now. Tears had found its way into my eyes.

This isn't real. It's a nightmare. This can't be real. I didn't kill him. It's not my fault. He left without saying goodbye. They wouldn't let me go fight. They didn't want me their. No. It's not my fault.

Haven't you taken enough from me?

I awoke from my dream in a cold sweat. Someone knocked on my door. Shaking, I got up to answer it.

When I opened the door, I saw a tall figure silhouetted against the dark sky. I began to get nervous. "What can I do for you?" I whispered. Then the mystery man did something I did not expect.

He hugged me, holding on for dear life. I tried to wiggle from his grasp, but my bloated belly didn't allow me.

"Jodi." The figure whispered into my hair. I froze. I knew that voice anywhere.


I stopped struggling. He lifted his face from my shoulder. I gasped. "Your- your alive?" I asked in a whisper. I couldn't believe it. He's here. He's actually here. He nodded his head.

I slapped him. "God you idiot! Where have you been? I haven't been able to sleep since you left! Our child!" I yelled at him. He flinched at my words. I crush him in a hug. "You idiot. I thought you were dead. I thought you left me to." I whisper, gripping his shoulder a little tighter.

"I'm sorry. My ship was destroyed. I had to find other ways to get here." He whispered, stroking my hair. I don't respond. He kisses my head. I look up at him. "I truly am so sorry. I love you Jo. Don't ever doubt that." I tear up at that. Ever since he "died" all I've wanted was to be in his arms and to hear him say those words.

"I love you to. God your an idiot." I said, cracking a smile at him. It was my first time smiling in months. It felt foreign, but right. He smiled back down at me.

I don't really remember the rest of that night. But I do remember that my dreams weren't haunted by him anymore. And I was happy.

Won't you torture someone else's sleep?

Well? What do you think? This is my all time favorite TØP song! You guys should check it out if you don't know it!
Please please check out my new book! I only have one chapter up just because I've been writing for this one!
Don't forget to vote in the comments for more imagines!
Love you guys!!!

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