Sea- Bodhi Rook X Reader

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Her eyes looked like the sea. That's the first thought that crossed Bodhi Rook's mind as she was carried into the base.

She was a prisoner, he knew that much. She was a Rebellion pilot who was captured when her ship crashed onto Felucia. That's really all he knew about her. He felt like he had this connection to her. He decided to find out more about her.

Slipping into his ship, he contacted one of his friends who was working in Intelligence. "I need to find out more about this new prisoner. There's something about her that I just can't shake." I whispered into the com. It took him a minute to reply. "Alright. Her name is Jaina Meghi. Her home planet is Coruscant. She joined the Rebellion when she was 12 years old after her parents were killed. She's one of the best pilots in the galaxy and has a bounty on her head. That's all I got buddy." Bodhi thought on it. "Thanks. I'll be in touch." I said, but that would be the last time he would talk to him.

Somehow Bodhi had managed to get his hands on some Storm trooper armor. He went to the cell that Jaina was in. "Prisoner transport. Her hearing was moved up to 10 minutes from now. Last minute notice." Bodhi told the guard. The guard nodded then opened the cell. Bodhi took her out. She was almost unconscious. He lifted her up and they started walking towards his ship. No one gave them a second glance.

Once they were on the ship, Bodhi got out the medical droid and set her down. The droid went right to work. Bodhi then piloted out of the Imperial base and when Bodhi made the jump to hyper space, I went back to check on my passenger.

She was awake. "Hey." He said, leaning against the door frame. "Hi." She said. She had a bandage over her left shoulder and a bruise on her right cheek. "Why did you save me?" She asks. I look at her. "I don't know." I say. "Well, thank you. It means a lot. Wait.." she said, her voice trailing off. "Does this mean that you work for the Empire?" She finishes in a low whisper.

I look at my feet. "I'm just a cargo pilot. I was making my rounds when I saw you come in. I don't know what came over me when I saw you." I look up to see her eyes on me. "Well thank you. It means a lot." She smiles at me. I smile back. It felt weird. I haven't smiled in years.

I drop her off on Coruscant and give her my contact information just in case.

A few years later•

I was making my rounds for about the millionth time when finally my boss gave me a day to do whatever the hell I want.

I decided to go to Coruscant- it was only a system over- and get a drink.

When I land I walk into a bar and sit down, ordering a drink. I hadn't heard from Jaina in years. I look up from my drink to see green eyes staring at me. Of course I knew them when I saw them.

When we make eye contact, she stands up and comes to sit by me. "How ya doin Jaina?" I ask as she sits down. "Not to bad how about you Bodhi?" I shrug. "Same old." I say with a sigh. She grins.

Once we are done, we go exploring the city. I look at her and she grins. My heart skips a beat.

Towards the end of the day, we are sitting on top of the building, our hands barley touching. The sun was setting. Everything seemed- perfect. I looked at her, and her eyes seemed to capture me. Suddenly, I was leaning in and so was she. Our lips collided and butterflies exploded in my stomach.

Suddenly she breaks apart and whispers, "I shouldn't have done that." My stomach drops. "I'm sorry." I said. I get up and turn around. Turning my back on possibly the only women who was ever important to me. I started running. Running towards my ship.

Once I got there I immediately took off and headed back to the base. Over and over he couldn't get what happened out of his head. And he wondered... What happened to the girl with the sea green eyes?

Kinda different story! Do you guys like it? Comment please!!! Love you guys!
-XO Piper

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