Forgive me- Bodhi Rook X Reader

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The battle on Scarif raged on around Shira Mishut. Bodies were falling all around her and she knew that this mission that she begged to go on was a suicide mission. But she would rather die with him, then have to live the rest of her life alone.

Bodhi Rook was causing havoc in the Imperial control center at the top of the Citadel. When he finally transmitted the message to the rebel fleet, he heard something come into his ship. Looking down he saw a grenade. There was no way out. His last thoughts were of her. Her laugh. Her smile. Her voice. Her blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. He then whispered, "Forgive me. I couldn't keep my promise." Then the bomb blew.

Earlier that day•

"Bodhi!" Shira yelled as she rushed towards the pilot. He turned around, and once he saw her, his eyes lit up and a big smile appeared on his face. Then, his thought turned sour as this might be the last time he would see her.

She came hurdling into his arms. "Let me come with you." She whispers. His heart skips a beat. "I can't loose you." He said, kissing the top of her head. "And I can't loose you." She said, looking up at him.

He caved. "Fine. But in the first sign of trouble you get your ass on a ship and get the hell out of there ok?" She smiled at him. "I promise. But only if you promise to stay safe." He smiled down at her. "I promise. I love you." He said. "I love you to." She said. She then stepped on her tip toes to kiss him. His arms snaked around her waist, and hers found his chest.

They broke apart when Cassian called and told them it was time to go. They walked to the ship, hand in hand.

Back to Scarif•

The explosion caused her to turn around. Where the ship used to be, was just burning wreckage. "No." She said, tears staining her cheeks. "BODHI!" She screamed.

Anger coursed through her veins. Her vision turned red. She quickly whispered in rapid succession, "Forgive me."

She ran full force at the storm troopers. They would pay for what they have done.

Shooting her blaster over and over until it malfunctioned. She then pulled out her knife. Stabbing anything that came remotely close to her. She was finally stopped when she was shot in the ribs by a Dark trooper. She laughed at him. She continued on until she felt the familiar sting of another blaster burn. This time in her shoulder. She pressed on. Blaster after blaster hit her until she was screaming on the ground in pain. A pain that quickly went away to a numbness.

As her vision went fuzzy, one thing was clear. Emerging from the smoke came Bodhi. He came closer and closer. "Bodhi?" She asked in confusion. He smiled at her. Opened his arms. With one last look at the battle around her, she went gladly into his arms.

"I'm never leaving." He whispered to her.

And together, they stepped into the light.

Omg I don't know how I feel about the ending! Do you guys like it? I feel kind of bad I've been doing so much Cassian Andor fanfics and I've been neglecting the other characters! Ug! I'm sorry guys! Anyways I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading! Love you guys!
-XO Piper

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