Best Friends- Cassian Andor X Reader

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Meka Stell sighed as she walked into the mess hall. 10 years in this place and yet she's still in love with her best friend, Cassian Andor. Nothing new had developed. No sign that he felt the same. From the moment she met him, she had a crush on him. And that crush slowly developed into something more. Yes. She was hopelessly in love with her best friend.

She was jumbled from her thoughts when Cassian sat down across from her. "You better eat something." He said, while taking a bit of his own food. She rolled her eyes, but eventually took a bite of her own food. "What are you up to today?" She asks Cassian. He shrugged. "Might go for a ride. Want to come?" He replies, his accent evident. Butterflies erupted in her stomach. "That sounds awesome." She replied, taking a sip of water. He grinned at her. "Great. Meet in the hanger in an hour?" She grins back. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

She gets up and walks towards the door, taking one last look at Cassian. To her shock, he was looking at her. She could feel her cheeks turning crimson. Hurriedly, she turned around and walked out of the mess down to her room.

Cassian sat at the table. Frustrated, he messed up his hair. He's had these feelings for her for as long as he had known her. Sighing, he went to go get ready.

Meka was already standing in the hanger when Cassian walked in. She grinned at him, causing him to roll his eyes. "I've been waiting forever. What took you so long?" She teased. He grinned at her. "Just trying to lose I good for a pretty girl." She rolled her eyes. He must have been talking about that mechanic who seemed to be in love with him. When he said that, it sent a pang of sadness through her.

"Well right. Let's go. I want to get out of here." She said, stomping into the ship. Cassian followed her, obviously confused.

"You ok?" He asked her. She replied stiffly, "Of course." He then cleared his throat. "Listen. Was it what I said? Cause if it was then it wasn't who you thought." Her head snapped up. "Then who was it? That pretty engineer who has eyes for you?" Her voice cracked at the end.

He was shocked. Did she really think that anyone could outshine her? She's... perfect. Beautiful. Smart. Brave. How could she think that anyone could be better.

Tears shined in her eyes. Quickly, he wiped the tears out of her eyes. "There's only one pretty girl in this base." He smiled at her. "And I'm looking right at her." Her breath caught.

Before she could respond, Cassian had his head buried in her neck. She smiled. "I love you Cassian. Always have." She whispered into his ear. He looked up at her. "I love you to Meka. You mean the world to me. Always have. Always will." She smiles.

Without saying a word, she reaches up and tangles her hands in his hair. Her breath catches as he leans down and there lips meet. Butterflies erupt in her stomach. Smiling into the kiss, she feels his hands slid up her back, sending goose bumps up her arms. She untangles her hands from her hair and wraps them around his waist.

When they finally break apart, she looks up at him. He grins at her. She returns the grin.

She then reached up and gripped him tight, like a lifeline. "I love you." Cassian whispered into her hair. "I love you to." She replied. He planted a kiss on top of her head.

"How could I not love my best friend?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, I have had terrible service lately! Anyways thanks for the request and please keep requesting them! Love you guys!!!
-XO Piper

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