Queen~ Just a Story

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I'm the queen. Okay, maybe not literally, but I'm the queen of my small world. I grew up on Naboo, a planet known for being "hippies" which I mean, is fair in some aspects. But I'm definitely one of those peace loving, organic living people. And I can't tell you how much I honestly love my life.

I grin to myself as I skip down the street to head to the market. I was almost out of fruit, and I could honestly never live with it.

When I got to the market, I ran right into a rather handsome looking man. Then I saw his light saber. I shrugged off my disappointment before turning on a bright smile. "I'm so sorry I guess I wasn't watching where I was going!" I laughed as I straightened out my pastel dress. He laughed. "It's quit alright. Although I'm afraid I can't stay." I nodded. "Well it was nice bumping into you!" I yelled as I ran back home, laughing all the way. The stranger watched me go.

Time skip to later that night•

Im awoken from my dreams by a cry of agony. I immediately shoot from my bed, grabbing my sandals before heading out into hell.

Droids were everywhere. I saw a little boy fall and the droid mercilessly kill him. A lump forms in my throat. This can't be happening. War was never meant to be here. This is a planet of peace. Tears well up in my eyes as I turn around and start running toward the trees.

I'm almost there. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, giving me the strength to push on. But a metal hand wraps around me throat and throws me to the ground.

Gasping for air, I claw at the hand, trying to get just one small breath of air. But none come. I can feel my vision turning blurry around the edges, and my body wasn't responding to my brain anymore. I was going to die.

Just as I was about to fully pass out, a sword of bright blue rips through the chest of my attacker. I roll out, gasping for air.

As I lay on the ground, my senses slowly coming back to me, I feel a warm hand helping me up. Looking up, I see the handsome man from the market.

I open my mouth to try and thank him, but nothing comes out. He smiles kindly at me and says, "There is no need to strain your vocal chords. You are welcome. Please, get to safety. Get out of here. Find the Gungans." I look up at him, my thoughts running a million miles an hour, my emotions flying sky high. But all I can do is nod before giving him a quick kiss on the check before taking off into the forest.

The Jedi stands shocked as realization hit him. And, for the first time, Cole Dameron let his guard down just enough for a slight tear to trace it's way down his dirt stained face.

Hey there!
It's me! Sorry I haven't updated soccer started last week and that's been consuming all my time. Anyways, thanks for reading! I was sick of fanfics so I didn't something new! What do you guys think? More stories like this? Just let me know!

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