One- Chirrut Imwe X Reader

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Walking through the busy streets of Jedha, Fae Lieta hurried toward the temple.

Her father was killed last night in a raid and she was desperate to find out if her father was at peace.

Fae's great aunt was a Jedi Knight who she only knew of because of the stories her father used to tell her about the Jedi and the great deeds that her Aunt had done.

Finally arriving at the temple, she sees a man with milky white eyes staring right at her. Curious, Fae walks over to him. "Hello?" She asks the man. His eyes remain unblinking. "Hello Fae Lieta." He replies. She gaps at him. She had never seen this man in her life. How did he know her name? As if sensing her unease, he says, "The Force told me of your troubles. Your father was killed last night yes?" He asks. "Yes. Is he at peace?" She whispers. His eyebrows furrow in concentration. "I cannot tell. The Force only let's me know what it wills me to know." She nods her head.

"Is there anyone else I can possibly talk to?" She asks. He shakes his head. "Me and Baze," he nods his head to a man a few feet the the right of me, "we are the last guardians. There is no one left."

Her face falls. "Oh. I'm sorry. Some of them must have been your friends." She whispers, tears forming in her eyes.

Chirrut stands up and gently wips the tears from Fae's green eyes. "It is ok. I have made new friends although I don't dare forget them." He says.

There is something about this man. "Are you blind?" Fae ask. He only smiles. "My eyes do not work as they once did. But the Force let's me see better than I ever could have with my eyes." Fae smile. He smiles back at me. "My great Aunt was a Jedi." She said. "Yes. The Force told me." Fae can't help but smile at that. "That's pretty incredible. What you can do with the Force I mean."

He looks at her. "I do nothing with the Force. I let it in, yes. But the Force tells me. It is as the Force wills it." Suddenly she feels an urge and she can't help it anymore. Fae wraps her arms around him.

Surprised, he wraps his arms around her. Without meaning to, he starts to cry. Cry for his dead parents everyone else who has to live under this oppression that the Empire has created.

"It's ok. We can face it together. I won't let anything happen to you or Baze." She finishes. Fae then nods her head at Baze.

After a minuet longer, they pull apart. "Thank you." Chirrut says after a moment. "Of course. It's been forever since I've had a friend. It's good to have one now. And I'm not going to let go of one either." Fae says. And somehow, she knew it was true.


A few months after Fae meets Chirrut, she is wandering the streets in search of Almakian apples. She passes the temple and sees Storm troopers dragging something from the temple. Taking a closer look, she recognized Baze and Chirrut. She gasped.

Running, she trips on something, stumbling right into the center of the Storm troopers. She lands right next to Baze. "Wait!" She yells. Angrily, she stands up. "You will not hurt these people. They have done nothing." You spit at the troopers. They look at her fiery green eyes and her blonde hair, braided back to keep out of her eyes. "Wrong. They were in the way of Imperial business. Now step aside little girl before you get hurt." One of them, who she recognizes as the leader based on his orange shoulder pad, says to her rather rudely.

"No. Let them come with me. You will never be bothered by us again. You have my word." She begs. He considers it. "Fine. Now get out of my sight." He spits at them.

She hurriedly stand up and take them to my house on the outskirts of the city. Once they arrive Baze immediately goes outside to make sure that they weren't followed. "Your lucky I was there." She said. Chirrut looks at her. "I know." Then, he was kissing her. She leaned into the kiss, breaking apart after a moment.

"I've loved you since the moment I met you." Chirrut says. She smiles.

"Shut up and kiss me." She says. And he does.

What do you think? I've been trying to write this all day but my mind keeps going back to Carrie. I know I know. But it's just weird to think that our beloved Princess is gone. You know? Anyways I hoped you liked it idk how many more Chirrut X Reader I'm going to do! Let me know if you guys liked it!
-XO Piper

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