O Captain- Jassian

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Jyn walks down the halls of Yavin, utterly frustrated by the councils decision. People are going to die. Because she wasn't strong enough.

In frustration, Jyn kicked the wall. "Take it easy on that wall." I thick accent behind her says. She turns to reveal Cassian Andor, the mysterious yet rather attractive captain. She rolls her eyes. "I have people gathered. They want to fight." He whispers into her ear. She spins on her heal. "What are we waiting for?" She answers. He smirks then leads her back to where a group of people are.

Time Skip

She was going to die. Those were the words that went through Jyn's head as she stared back at the blaster. The man holding it was the same man who tore her life apart. He was saying something to her.. but she couldn't make it out. One of her ear drums had popped during her mad dash. Closing her eyes, she waited for her death.

But... she didn't die. Opening her eyes, she sees Cassian standing there. She leaps up to help him. That was one hell of a fall.

On the elevator, he does the unexpected. He kisses her. Their lips move in perfect sink. She doesn't want this to end.

When they break apart, he looks into her eyes. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you to."

Skip to beach

Jyn sits on the beach, holding Cassian's hand. We're the really going to die like this? At least she will be with Cassian. When the blast hits, he looks at her. She looks back.

She then draws him to his feet and pulls him into a hug. He returns it, hugging her tight.

She stars at the blast as it comes towards her. Fear grips her, but it goes away just as fast as it came when she remembers the boy holding her.

She closes her eyes, breathing in his scent. A flash of white light blasts through her eyelids. A burning feeling goes all over he body.

Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor are no more.

I've had quite a lot of Jassian requests and well here you go! I hope you like it! Anyways, vote in the comments and thanks for all the support guys!
Love you!!!

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