Reach for the stars- Cassian Andor X Reader

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Earlier that day•

Luna Bouk raced into Cassian's Arms, gripping him tightly. As they embraced, the battle above Yavin was raging full force.

"Te amo Luna." Cassian whispered in her hair. Her hands gripped his jacket tighter. "I love you to Cassian." She whispered before letting go of his jacket and sprinting to her X Wing. Before she took off, she took one last glance at Cassian. He waved his good arm goodbye to her.

Luna joined the battle and took down one Imperial after another. Then, from behind her, a TIE fighter had managed to lock in on her. She tried everything. Diving, spinning. But nothing was working. She couldn't shake him.

The Imperial grinned to himself. Then, without a second thought, pressed the release button, sending 2 torpedoes right for Luna.

She knew she was dead as soon as she saw the torpedoes coming right towards her. Her last thoughts were of him. His smell. His lips. His laugh. And it made her even more sad to think that she was leaving him forever. But she did not cry. She closed her eyes. She could see a flash of white light through her eye lids.

The Imperial grinned as the wreckage dropped onto Yavin.


Cassian waited for Luna to return. As ships came in, he always expected the next one to be her. But it never was. He began to grow nervous. He saw Gavon, the leader of her squadron. "Gavon!" He yelled. Gavon turned his head at the sound of his name. When he saw that it was Cassian, his smile turned sour. "Cassian." He said.

"Where is Luna?" Cassian asked. His face grew sullen. "She was taken out during the battle. I am sorry my friend." He answered.

Cassian's head began to sway. No. Not her. She can't be gone. She's been through to much to be gone.

But no matter how much Cassian tried to convince himself that I didn't happen, the more he realized that it did happen. And he couldn't change it.

That night he sat alone on the roof. He reached up to the stars and whispered, "Ave atque vale mae." (Latin for goodbye and farewell my love)

Looking up at the stars, Cassian recalled her saying that she wanted to die in the stars and among the moons. Luna. Moon. He could never forget that name. Or her. His one true love, lost in the stars.

He again reached his hand out and tried to grasp the stars.

"I'll reach for the stars for you, Luna."

I hope your Christmas break is going amazing! Well that is if you are still in school! Anyways thanks for reading I kinda like this one! Please vote in comments and add this to your reading list so that you can get updates when I update it!
Anyways, I'm a proud Ravenclaw, and I might do some Harry Potter imagines or just a giant fanfiction! Maybe Draco? Ug I don't know! Let me know in the comments if you like that idea!
Love you guys thanks for the support it means the world to me!

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